Chapter#2 Lord Sesshomaru Appears!

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Inuyasha's Pov

"So what do you think we should do Kaede?"

I asked the old lady, hoping she might know what to do about Kagome's cousin.

"Hmm, this is very strange indeed...where is Kagome? She might be able to help."

She's got a point, where is Kagome anyway?

"She went through the well and never came back. Could this possibly mean they traded places?"

Miroku said, making a lot of sense. Kaede thought for a moment and then knelt down before Mayumi who was still unconcious.

"This girl...she isn't normal. I believe that maybe she is special like young Kagome. I believe ye have noticed as well, Inuyasha."

I didn't say anything else after that and for some reason everybody was starrin at me.

"What!? Why are you all staring at me!?"

Miroku gave me a weird look.

"I'm becoming suspicious of you Inuyasha. It seems to me that you might know this girl. Or maybe you know something about her that we don't."

He hit the nail on the head so now everybody was staring at me even harder. Kikyo is a thing of the past but this girl has the aura of a priestess. But if I tell them that they'll just get the wrong idea.

"Jeez! Get off my back!!!"

I stood up and walked off. I hate all the interrigation. I'm not even sure myself. I think I know her. She looks familiar but I could be wrong...



"Kagome! Where have you been!?"

Kagome made her way to me looking shooken up.

"Where is Mayumi? Is she ok?"

"She's fine. What took you so long?"

Kagome made a stern expression.

"I couldn't get through for a while. It was like something was blocking me from coming back here. It wasn't until now that I was able to travel back here."

Could it be because of Mayumi?


I was lost in thought when Kagome yelled in my ear.


My ears started ringing at the sound of her loud voice.

"Hey! Knock it off! I was just thinking!!"

Kagome looked upset with me.

"Ever since Mayumi came you have been acting strange! Is there something your hiding!? Spill!"

I growled and Kagome frowned.



Kagome walked inside the hut looking annoyed.

"Man what is everyones problem? Why am I the one taking all the heat today?"

Wait...this presence. A demon!

I rushed back to the hut, finding everyone ready for a fight.

"You feel it too Inuyasha? There is a strong demonic aura nearby." (Miroku)

"We have to protect Mayumi. What should we do?" (Kagome)

"Let's stay by her side along with Kaede. You guys go take care of the demon." (Sango)

"Alright! I've been itchin for a fight! Let's go Miroku!" (Inuyasha)

Kagome's Pov

Somethings up and I'm going to go check things out for myself.

"Kagome where are you going?" (Sango)

"I need to do something important! Stay here with Mayumi and Kaede. I'll be right back!"


I ran as fast as I could toward the fight but ran into someone along the way.


He was watching Inuyasha fight with the demon from afar. When I called out to him he only glanced at me for second then looked back at Inuyasha.

"I can feel a presence beyond that demon Inuyasha is fighting and its coming from the hut you came out of. Who is in there?"

This was the most I actually heard Sesshomaru speak.

"The only person in there is..."

Sesshomaru turned his attention to the hut.

"Whoever you're hiding has an aura that is attracting demons from all directions. Her's sweet almost like honey."

A very faint smile appeared on Sesshomaru's face. He looked like he had something on his mind and I had a feeling what it was.

"I won't let you hurt Mayumi!"

I readied my bow and arrow at him but he only scoffed at me.

"Your silly bow and arrow won't stop me from taking that girl with me."

I glared at him aiming for his chest.

"Stay away from her!"

Sesshomaru lightly chuckled and in the blink of an eye he flashed right by me and entered the hut.

"What!? He was so fast I didn't even see him!"

Just seconds later Sesshomaru busted through the roof with Mayumi in his arms.


Oh no...what is going on here? Why is Sesshomaru taking her? None of this makes sense!

End Of Chapter#2

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