After three years.

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(Y/N)(POV): omg if this freaking traffic doesn't move faster we are all going to be late, freaking alarm didn't go off, ugh (Y/N) just breath it's the first day for the girls, they are in kindergarten and it's the first time they go to school, and it's Camerons first day in fifth grade (Y/N) just relax breath, you gotta stay calm for them.

Cam: mom when is dad coming back?

(Y/N): honey he will be here tonight, well that's what he said you know flights sometimes have delays .

Cam: oh (he looks down at his hands) but he will be here next week for my first game this season right?? (he looks up at you hesitantly but hopeful).

(Y/N): of course honey (you give him a reassuring smile, making him smile) he wouldn't miss it for the world you know he has always being there for every single one of your games.

Cam: yeah its just I barely got to see him this summer so, but I get he is just busy with work.

(Y/N)(POV): I just smile at him and turn my focus back on the road, I can't help but wonder how much has the absence of their father really affected them, yeah he wasn't here most part of the summer, because of new projects and meets and greets, but his kids need him, I'll just talk to him, and let him know how his kids feel about it; after a few minutes I finally arrive to cam's school we all get off I take a few pictures of him, and then the girls and I give him a quick kiss and send him off to his class, after that I do the same with the girls, and then drive home, once I arrive I send the pictures to Logan, and shower to get ready for the day.

Text messages:

Logan: aww they look so cute, I wish I was there.

(Y/N): yeah they are all beautiful, and about that, what time are you getting here today?

Logan: yeah still not even sure if we are leaving today, we still have some very important meetings we gotta deal with, but I'll let you know.

(Y/N): Logan we need to talk but I don't want to discuss it over the phone just let me know when you are coming back, gtg to work love you talk to you later.

Logan: okay that sounds great whatever it is we'll talk about it, and good luck today, love you see you in a few.

END of conversation

(Y/N)(POV): after cleaning around the house, I decide to check a few emails, and then head to my office, yeah I'm not just a model anymore I'm the owner of a clothes company called, seja você, which means Be you in Portuguese, there I model and I run the place, but I do have help from my friends and family, Nora is my Vice President, she helps me put things on the market she gives new ideas, and when I can't come into the office she takes over for the day, Akela and I became pretty close, and yeah she became my secretary and one of my closest friends, Kylie and Ayla are the two best models we have and of course my friends, sometimes Kylies babies Marcus who is 5 just like the girls, and Kayla who is now 2, and my babies model for the kids clothes, but yeah after a few years of hard work the company finally worked out, and we are now opening our third store I have two in Los Angeles and the new one will open soon in New York, so I'm pretty excited, but enough talking I should Probably get to my office.

At the office:

Akela: Good morning Mrs. Paul I got you your coffee and you have 2 meetings today (she hands you your coffee)

(Y/N): (receives coffee) Akela I told you to call me by my name it feels weird when my friends call me Mrs. Paul.

Akela: but this is a professional environment.

(Y/N): yeah I know but everyone here already know that we are all friends so it doesn't really matter. 

Akela: (you both chuckle) Okay (Y/N)

(Y/N): okay (you both get in the elevator and press number 25 to your office floor) what are my meetings today?

Akela: yeah I can't really explain the first one so it's best if you just go in your office.

(Y/N) (POV): that was weird, what does she mean she can't explain, but I do as she says I just walk in my office, and who do I see, but how?

(Y/N): What are you doing here???

Thank you guys for reading, I know I know a cliffhanger I'm sorry but don't worry I will try to at least upload twice every week or more we shall see, but dont forget to like and comment, and I know this chapter was pretty slow at the beginning, but I just wanted to catch you guys up to what the Paul family has being up to, hope you like it and get ready for some DRAMA!!!.


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