Ghosts from the past.

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I decided to go for a black knee length dress paired with red heels to bring some color to the outfit and did my hair curled in a half up half down, and now Logan and I are on our way to whatever place he chose, and like most of our surprise dates he doesn't give me any hints about where we are headed to, so I always try to figure it out by the route he takes, but today he is taking a completely different route that we have never being in before.

after what seemed like forever, he stops in front of this small but beautiful beach house, its in a very isolated and private area, which is great for a date, if I say so myself.

Logan:surprise, so you like it?. (he walks over to your side opens the door and helps you off the car)

(Y/N):I love it.

Logan:at first I thought of taking you to a restaurant or something but, this sounded better, but if you want to go to a restaurant thats fine I'll take you tomorrow or something.

(Y/N): oh no baby this is perfect don't worry, I love it.

Logan: and the best part is that it has a bedroom, if you know what I mean.

(Y/N): omg Logan, I knew it, I knew a joke like that was coming. (you both laugh, as he guides you in the house with his hand resting on your back)

Logan:you already know me baby.


after eating and having sometime for our selves, we leave the house to pick up our kids, and the whole ride back  Logan talks to me about how excited he is for the twins since they started school, and how proud he is of cam, and how well he has kept his grades with sports and everything, I swear I couldn't have asked for a better husband he is so caring and loving, its just hard for others to see it since he is always so busy, but I'm glad we talked about it all, and have decided to fix things, and I know everything he does is for us, but I also know that he would do anything for his family, even if that included giving up some offers to make his kids happy and have more time with them.

Logan: so I wanted to do something as a family this weekend I was thinking maybe the fair or the movies, what do you think?

(Y/N): I think the kids would love the fair, but we can ask them all know.

Logan: true, so when is Camerons first game he was talking about it this morning but never told me a date.

(Y/N): it's next week Thursday.

Logan: okay yeah, I need to know, to make sure I don't make any meetings or things like that that day.

(Y/N): yeah I already told Nora that I will need her to cover for me that day.

Logan: yeah, I'm so excited for him, he has a great arm by the way.

(Y/N): yeah he is a great athlete just like his daddy. (he chuckles, and then grabs your hand and kisses it)

Logan: you said it baby.


 this LA traffic is the worst, but we made it to the twins school on time, and to kill some time before we have to pick up cam, since he gets off 2 hours after the girls because of practice, we decide to go buy ice cream and then to the park.

Logan: so girls how was school today.

Alexandra: it was so fun daddy, we are learning the ABC's.

Josephine: yeah they are so easy tho, math is a bit harder.

Logan: yeah it might seem hard now, but you will get the hang of it soon don't worry you are both really smart.

the twins: thanks daddy. (they both get on their tip toes and kiss Logan on the cheek).

(Y/N): how about friends, have you guys made any friends.

Alexandra: yeah we have two new friends, Caroline and Jackson.

Josephine: yeah they are both very nice.

Logan: wait you mean Jackson as in a boy? (he says raising his eyebrows)

Josephine: yeah why daddy?

(Y/N): Logan they are all little kids.

Logan: still I might need to have a talk with that boy.

(Y/N): omg if you are like this now I don't even want to imagine how it will be when they go to high school.

Logan: oh trust me I have it all planed out for high school.

(Y/N): what are you going to do lock them up in their rooms?.

Logan: somethings like that.

(Y/N): LOGAN!!!

Logan: I'm kidding, maybe.(you glance at him and give him a nasty look to which he responds by putting his arms in the air in sign of surrender)


After some time passes we decide to drive to cams school to make sure we are not there late because of traffic, when we arrive we park the car and all four decide to go to the field since they had 15 minutes left of practice, we sit at the bleachers, and watch cameron give passes to the other players, and I know this might sound like I'm just bragging because he is my son, but with all honesty he does have a great arm, after sometime I decide to look around and when I look down, I see her, I can feel a panic attack kicking in, I feel like I can't breath, it's like the world is closing up on me, and Logan notices cause he grabs my arms and asks me if I'm okay and tries to calm me down by rubbing my back and my hair, that usually works but not this time, I can't believe she is here, I thought I would never see her again, after the practice a little boy goes up to her and hugs her, she must be his mom and  he must go here, which means she has being so close to my son, and I hadn't even notice, I can't believe she is back, but she must have felt my eyes on her, because she turns arounds and looks straight at me and for a few seconds I can see her shocked expression which soon changes into pure anger.

Omg I hope you guys liked it, and who do you think the mystery woman is? don't forget to vote and comment.


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