I've had enough.

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(Y/N)POV: the meetings took a bit longer than expected the three longest days o my life turned into the 6 longest days of my life, Logan and we hug the girls and cam and talk about their school, but soon after the excitement of seeing us is gone, so just like that they go back to their rooms to do hat they were doing before, and that gave Logan and I a chance to talk more about the event that took place almost a week ago, but just as we expected, nothing much changed, I guess the note was steal sealed once cam came home, and im so glad for that, I know keeping them in the dark about all of this could soon backfire but its best for now, and they are just kids they wouldn't understand.

Logan: okay I talked to our lawyer and security and the bodyguards that were with them the other day when this happened we have evidence but not enough to actually do anything but honey I have to go check something at the office for a couple of hours do you think you will be alright by your self.

(Y/N): yeah of course some me and the kids time is just what I need right now.

Logan: well love you I will be back as soon as possible, I'll walk George out. (he kisses (Y/N) and then leaves with George)


George: so just send me the address and ill meet you there who else is coming?

Logan: Mark, Spencer, mike and Jake are on their way lets go.

George: one question?

Logan: what sup?

George: how much longer do you plan on keeping this a secret from her.

Logan: as long as I have too, I don't want her to worry, and this asshole for sure isn't worth worrying about.

George: cant argue with that.

Logan: okay lets give this bastard a visit.

George: okay one last thing.

Logan: what is wrong now George.

George: why the hell do we sound like some kind of mafia people or like hitman.

Logan: OMG GEORGE get in the freaking car the rest of the guys are probably already there, comon lets go.

George: OKAY sorry im just saying sorry, but you gotta admit, this does feel pretty bad ass.

Logan: oh lord.

Logans POV: I know you might think we are about to kill this asshole or like beat him up, but we aint, we just have to talk to him, this bastard needs to learn who he is messing with, one thing is to mess with me, but involve my family, and its like unleashing a beast that he just wont see coming, my wife might be a crazy momma bear whom will protect her cubs at any cost, and that is one of the reasons why I love her so much, but me I'm no papa bear, I am a fucking monster and he better watch out cause he has no idea what hit him once im done with him.

On the phone.

Logan: okay you guys there yet.

Jake: yeah we are all here just waiting for you to make our grand entrance you know, all dramatic and shit.

Logan: okay just wait there, I'll be there in ten.

Jake:okay see you in a bit brother.

Logan: see you in a bit.

Logans POV: after some minutes I finally arrive and all of my friends are outside waiting, I get off and we began walking towards the door, and im not going to lie it felt pretty bad ass like those action scenes in the movies like the cool guy walking in the middle and his friends follow him, you know what I mean, but whatever enough rambling, we walk up to the door and to be honest I was expecting a lot less from this scumbag, his house its pretty big, how in the hell was he able to afford it, I don't know since he seems so broke now, but mysteries of life.So I knock on the door once no one comes, I knock on the door again, and nothing but by the time im going to knock for the third time, when the door opens I expect to see him but no, there is this little boy around cams age, so I try to keep my self cool to unleash my wrath on his father, so calmly I ask this boy where his father was, he leads us to the house, and hold on he just let us in like that damn his parents need to teach him a bit about stranger danger you know but again off topic, so we walk until we meet this huge ass wooden for, the boy at this point has disappeared so I have notting else to do but to knock, and who do I hear at the other end, the bitch, so I had enough and I just burst in giving zero chances for him to escape or even move, of course my friends follow me and close the door, at this point my rage is at the limit, I walk up to his desk and slam my fist on it.

Logan: I though I warned you once, but apparently your skull is too thick to grasp anything so here its is AGAIN, LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE, I am tired of playing this little mouse and the cat game, so fucking leave or you will regret the day you were born, do you understand me?.

Richard: (smirks) I thought you were never going to show up?

Logan: you bitch I am not playing games.

Richard: im not playing games either, I just asked my lovely daughter for some money.

Logan:and why should we, because of you stupid empty threats, you have nothing on either one of us, you can't do shit, so im going to ask you one last time leave my family alone, (Y/N) wants nothing to do with you , you bastard so let her live her life and don't fucking ever get close to one of my kids cause I will cut your hands off you understand.

Richard: you think I have nothing on you.

Logan: I'm done playing your little mind games.

Richard gets up and walks around the desk over to Logans side he stand in front of him.

Logan:I'm done with you and your shit, just leave us alone.(begins to walk away)

Richard: you know I wonder how much the press would pay I sent them a few pictures of my daughter with some guys in highschool,i mena I know they were nothing but friends, but if im being honest the press will post whatever I tell them, I can make anything up.

Logan: you wouldn't, you coward.

Richard: maybe I'll picture her as the little whore I know she really is.

LoganS POV: at this point, I wasn't in control anymore, it was like the moment those words came out of his mouth I was seeing nothing but red, so I punched him sending him to the ground after that I lunch my self on him sending punch after punch, if it wasn't for my friends I wouldn't have stoped, I could have killed this man and not care, he does not disrespect my wife like that, after they pull me off, I look at his face one last time before they pull me out of his office and soon out of his house.

Here is the next chapter hopefully you guys enjoy it and I will keep posting through out this week to make up for all of those weeks I'm so sorry.
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Love you guys <3

Life beyond the Logang. (Logan Paul X reader) (Second book)Where stories live. Discover now