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I rush in the house holding or more like trying to push all three of my kids in the house, as if that would save them from that dangerous woman, with a very intrigued and concerned Logan right behind me, I tell the kids to get ready for bed, I can tell on their faces that they are wondering what has me so scared, but they don't say anything, once they are out of sight I began dialing my lawyers number but before I can press the call button Logan takes the phone from my hand and locks it.

(Y/N): Logan give me my phone back I need to make a quick call please.

Logan: i'll give it back to you once you tell me what has you so shaken up.

(Y/N): Logan just.....(but he cuts me off)

Logan: (he grabs your hand and guides you to the couch) please tell me.

(Y/N): there was a woman in the field today, when we went to pick cam up, and I just never thought I would see her again, that's all.

Logan: okay but that doesn't make sense, why are you so shaken up by just seeing her its not like she came up to us to talk.

(Y/N): Logan you don't understand.

Logan: okay then make me understand, explain to me whats so dangerous about her.

(Y/N): she is my dads wife.

Logan: wait you mean your dad, as in you found him.

(Y/N): no it was more like he found me, but it doesn't matter he is just as I expected him to be, driven by power and money.

Logan: wait how do you know.

(Y/N): please don't be mad that I hid this from you I just, really don't want him to be a part of my life, and if I told you then you would be mad at him, and I know how you are when you get mad so please just listen.

Logan:okay you are starting to scare me .

(Y/N): about a year ago he showed up at the office, I didn't know who he was then, so I let him in, he sat down and began explaining all this bull as to why he was never a part of my life, and then he went onto saying if I could lend him money for his rent cause he had lost it all in god knows what, well the point is he just came to ask for money, I kicked him out but I guess his wife also needed the money, so she showed up week later, and threatened to hurt our kids, and our careers, and she swore to ruin you if I didn't give her money, and just a bunch of other horrible things so I instantly called my lawyer to investigate her and her husband, so ever since then they have kept her at a "safe distance" , and we couldn't really put her in prison because I have no evidence that she said any of those things, just her signing into the office and signing out, but I saw her  today and I don't think is a coincidence that suddenly her son is in the same exact school as cam, doesn't that sound suspicious.


he doesn't say anything he just sits there taking all of that information in, I know its a lot, but knowing the stress he was under, I didn't want him to think that were in any danger, even if we might have being, but I was handling it all, after sometime he finally recovers.

Logan: why wouldn't you come to me for this.(he looks up at me and I can see how much the fact that I kept such a big secret from him actually hurt him)

(Y/N): I know I messed up but you were under a lot of stress then and I had it all covered, mostly.

Logan: look baby I get you sometimes feel like because you are a mom you have to take care of everything, but i'm here whenever you need me, whether its for something little as chores, or as big as someone threatening our family I want to know I need to know, I want to be here for you when you need me.

(Y/N): I promise I wont hide any more secrets.

Logan: pinky promise (he says as he raised his pinky towards you)

(Y/N): (you chuckle)  I Pinky promise.

Hours later:


Logan: so what do you have on them.

Susan:(your lawyer) well at the moment.....nothing but don't worry we will find something but in the mean time just stay with tight security, and as for the kids I'll talk to the principal to let him have a guard or two with them at all times.

Logan: sounds good.

Susan: well discuss it talk about, ill leave you two to it, bye.

Logan: bye Susan and thank you.


(Y/N): you see this is the last thing I wanted.

Logan: what???

(Y/N): I  wanted them to have a some what normal school experience, and the security will just bring more attention, but I understand its for their safety it just makes me angry that other people have to ruin things for others.

Logan:  babe it's fine it will only be for a bit, and after that we will go back to our somewhat normal life.

(Y/N):I know we just gotta explain it to them without letting them know that they are at any risk, and I think I have the perfect excuse.

Logan: okay then we will both tell them, together, remember we are in this together.

(Y/N): okay we will.

Logan: but for now I'll go put them to bed and you get the popcorn ready, cause I have a feeling things are about to get crazy, and we deserve a relaxing night, or at least and attempt to one.

A/N: thank you guys, and I'm so sorry for the long wait it was just family things but here it is another chapter hope you enjoyed it.


Life beyond the Logang. (Logan Paul X reader) (Second book)Where stories live. Discover now