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(Y/N): so kids your dad and I have news.

Cam: what sup.

Logan: so some things came up, and your mom and I agreed that it's best if you guys have body guards with you.

Cam: but why is something wrong.

(Y/N): no, its just a temporary thing but its nothing you guys need to worry about okay.

Logan: dont worry there is nothing mom and dad can't fix.

(Y/N)POV: all three of them looked at us very skeptical, but they kept eating their breakfast, after breakfast Logan dropped them off at school, and then we both drove to my lawyers office.

Susan: so I have people watching her, but she is very smart about her moves, she hasn't done anything weird or incriminating, but I will have them watching for as long as necessary so don't worry about that.

Logan: thats good.

(Y/N): is there anything I can do maybe call him or her, maybe we can come to terms.

Susan: honey if life was that easy there would be no wars, but there are because people like them will ask for something today and if you give it to them then they will ask for more tomorrow and it will turn into a vicious cycle, and we don't want to put anyone in danger right now, so its best if we stay quiet until they make their next move.

After the meeting with Susan you drive home and you called Nora that you weren't feeling too good so you wont be at the office today.

(Y/N):there has to be something I can do, I mean I can't just sit here and wait for her to make her move.

Logan: we can and that is exactly what we are going to do, you heard Susan baby it would just put you and the kids in danger and that is the last thing we want.

(Y/N): its just so frustrating.

Logan: I know I get it I'm frustrated too but this is all we can do at the moment, Okay?


2 weeks later

(Y/N)POV: it has being a week since the kids starting going to school with guards the first couple of days they were pretty weirded out, but I think they have gotten used to it, and as for Richard and Caitlin, they have stayed silent, so now all I can do its wait.

At Logans office:

Connor: Mr Paul your 1 pm meeting is here.

Logan: okay let him in please.

Connor: yes sir.

Narrator: A man walks into his office, he goes up to Logan and stretches his hand to him but Logan ignores it and walks to the other side of his table and sits down, and soon after the man sits as well.

Richard: well why did you call me?

Logan: so we are going to play the idk game okay thats fine.

Richard: excuse me?.

Logan: oh please cut the crap, but since your memory seems to not be working so well let me help you, about a week ago I received a letter in the mail, it was meant for my wife and on the inside it said some not so nice things, in which my wife and kids were threatened.

Richard: and what does that have to do with me?

Logan: I can't use that letter against you, you were pretty smart to hide your tracks, but now you are dealing with me not my wife, so Richard, idk how low of a scumbag you are, but you have shown to be the worse of the worse so far, and I will only say this once, I'm a business man, and I don't like to repeat my self.LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE.

Richard: well if you read the letter you would have seen, that all I ask is for a bit of money and we will leave you and my daughter to live you lives.

Logan: look I want you to look at me when I tell you this, I'm not playing games here Richard, so listen, I'm not giving you sh*t, you might be related by blood to my wife, but as far as I'm concerned she doesn't see you as anything but a stranger, and I don't see you as anything but a low life scumbag.

Richard: okay, what did she say when you told her you were having a meeting with this low life scumbag.(smirks)

Logan: I didn't want to bother with such trivial things.

Richard: oh wow idk about you but I've heard that marriage is all about communication, wow I can see you two have a lot of communicating, if something so trivial as dealing with her father wasn't discussed, do you often keep secrets, I wonder what other things you are hiding?

Logan: Richard I don't think you know anything about marriage, or parenting, or being a man for that matter, so if you think that if you act like you have something against me I will give you money, then you are more stupid than I thought.

Richard: I was just asking.

Logan: well I have other more important things to do.

Richard: then I guess its the end of our meeting.(he walks to the door but before he opens it Logan stops him)

Logan: Richard don't mess with my family, you can threaten me all you want I couldn't care less, but the moment you include my family that is were I draw the line, I don't want to see you or your wife, close to my family EVER, because if I do I want you to mark my words, if I ever know that you as much as looked at any of them I will make sure you and your wife rot in jail for the rest of your miserable life don't test my patience cause its running low for you, you are now walking on thin ice.


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