Just the Two Of Us

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Alex POV:


Don't we have class?

"Guys, I hate to ruin the moment but don't we have class in a few?" I ask, pulling away from them. They nod, regretfully, almost as if they weren't gonna tell me.

I fake gasp.

"I need to get dressed and I need to work on the essay!" I say, frantically. They shake their heads jokingly. I shoot them a glare.

"It's 10:24 A.M," Thomas states. I stop dead in my tracks. I turn around slowly.

" I'm four minutes late for my class," I whisper. They try not to laugh. I, once again, shoot them a death glare. I quickly Sprint to my drawer and grab my hoodie, t-shirt, and ripped jeans, oh and my camo all-stars that I stole from TJ Maxx. Dont ask.

I grab my laptop bag, and fix my long, oily, and dark chocolate lions name of hair, into a decent looking ponytail.

Then, I kiss Thomas and John's cheeks, and proceed to sprint out of our dorm, running for First Period: Law. Oh Lord, long day.

Thomas POV:

Well, my class isn't until 12:00 and John's classes aren't until 12:30.  So we sit back, and relax and watch a little Netflix.

"Coraline is the best movie on Netflix , no doubt." I propose. John gives me a death stare, and scoffs.

"As if, we all know that Orange is The New Black is the best," he says, cockily.

"By that's a show, I said movie," I say, with my brow arched.

"Well, guess what?" He says, throwing a Skittle in his mouth.

"What?" I say, stealing a Skittle.

"I. Don't. Care." He says throwing a Skittle at me. I swat it away while laughing. John starts to laugh too.

I then get a text from a certain somebody.

"Oh my God, Laf and Herc are coming back from France tomorrow!" I announce happily. John, smiles and laughs happily as well. Laf is my cousin and Hefc is his future hubby.

Let's not deny it.

"Y'know, I ship it so hard." John says, propping his feet on the pillow beside me. I laugh at his remark.

"Ditto, they are so cute," I say. He chuckles.

"Wait till they hear about us, and Alex, they'll flip," he says, I nod in agreement.

"I don't wanna go to class today, wanna just skip, and suffer with the make-up work?" I ask him, he takes a minute to process and come up with an answer. He shrugs.

"Why not, it's not like it's anything we haven't learned before," he finally says. I, once again, laugh at his answer. I kiss his cheek and run to the the restroom.

I look in the mirror at my neck. Tsk tsk tsk. I can't go in public anyways, I've been marked.

I internally chuckle at the thought. I then walk to the kitchen, and pop two pop-tarts in the toaster. I rest my weight on the counter as the timer ticks. The tarts finally pop up, and I place them on a plate.

I walk back to the bedroom, to see Thomas completely passed out, I let out a chuckle. I set my plate down and place the covers on him, softly.

"More Netflix for me.." I mutter to myself, almost inaudible. Even to myself.

I sit on the bed and watch Nightmare Before Christmas because I love Tim Burton, fight me.

The movie finishes, faster then I thought, and I smile, walking to the TV and shutting it off.

I feel Thomas stir in his sleep, and steal a glance at him. He's so peaceful asleep. We always used to fight, before we noticed it. We would fight over stupid things like, homework, books, and even the remote. We were enemies for the first year, then got to be friends. Eventually he confesses his feelings for me. And I returned them.

For the third year we'd known each other, we were happily dating, then Alex showed up.

I mean, I don't believe in love at first sight, nor the slightest chance of it. But he broke all of that. The first time he smiled, I knew he was the missing piece to the puzzle. I just knew.

I stared at Thomas, subconsciously. I slowly carressed his hair, softly. He fluttered his eyes awake, and smiled groggily. I smile back.

He sits up, and rubs his eyes.

"How long have I been sleeping?" He asks me.

"Two hours, or so..." I trail off, still carressing his hair.

"Alex should be back from his classes in a few," Thomas said, looking blankly at the sheets.

And then, speak of the devil, Alex came bolting in. He tripped about four times on the way to the bedroom, and face planted on the bed.

"Hey hun," Thomas says, his accent slipping.

"Hello." He says blankly, almost annoyed.

"You okay, Lexi?" I ask him, genuinely concerned. He groans.

"Two words. John. Adams." He growls. There's the Alex we all know, and love.

"So, I take it you had a bad day?" I ask, sweetly.

"Yes. Horrible. I take it, you guys stayed home?" He asked us, his eyes drooping. We both nodded.

His head falls back onto the bed, and he groans. I rub circles into his back, as Thomas carressed his hair.

"I love you guys," he said.

"I love you too, baby," Thomas and I say in unison.



Fluffy fluff.

Anyways, thanks for reading,please





-Love-Lams 😘😘😘

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