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I know.

I know. I haven't posted a chapter yet, but I'm getting there, okay?

I just started two other books, for the Phandom, if you're in any way interested.

And I'm also going through depression, yay. It's really not easy, and it's a bitch, tbh.

It breaks you down, and crushes all your hopes of ever getting things done and being happy, and it kills you inside. But if any of you guys actually like and care about this book, then I got chapters for ya.

Don't worry.

I'm gonna finish this book. Unlike Alot of irresponsible authors. No offense if you're one of those authors, bt I believe in giving the people what they deserve. And if this book is that then, so be it.

Anyways, if your into Dan and Phil, check out my two books!!! It would mean Alot to me. Also, there was one person, who I honestly love, who voted on my Mad Hatter Phan book, and I didn't even know they liked Phan???

So thank you, you know you you are, and keep being a bad ass bitch, mai guy.

MOvIng oN.

I promise I will give you guys a good chapter with a minimal 1100 words, so booyeah! That just happened!

ALSO if you like funny ass reactions, and deep depressing, also throw in some advice and life stories, then CHECK OUT MY NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL, @TheLennyLook, if you guys check it out, then it'll be like a face reveal kinda. But YEAH. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT!!!

Thanks for keeping up with me, and being patient, your ever so irresponsible, and depressed author~

-Love-Lams 😘😘😘

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