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Thomas POV:

I couldn't leave the hospital.

No way in hell, these stupid doctors will rip me away from him. They can fuck off. Well actually, I need them, they're helping him.

Oh god, how in the world did this target you? Why you?!

I let out a breath I hadn't known I had been holding.

I sighed, resting my head in my palms. I don't know what to do.

I turned my head to see Alex asleep in the chair beside John. He looks so peaceful, they both do, but I know they're both dreaming about something they'd never want to happen, just by the slight flinching and movements of their bodies is enough for me to know. But just the movement of John's body is enough to give me hope.

The heart monitor is a demon, scratching at my soul with each mocking beep it releases. If I was a lion, that machine would've been slayed by the third beep.

It had been two days and he's doing better but I can't do anything.

I can see the flickers.

"I can't see the light at the end of this hallway, John." A lonely and broken whisper escapes my lips as I gaze upon him.



"I can't see the light at the end of this hallway, John."

My thoughts gather themselves, and fall apart again.

I heard a familiar voice, ringing throughout my skull. Where was I?

I was on the streets, the lonely, grey sky mimicking how confused I was. I didn't understand. I walked down the street, curious as to my whereabouts.

I saw a bright purple and blue sign, above an old building, the only light in this grey dimension.

I slowly and cautiously walked to the sign. My gaze never leaving the colors. So mesmerizing I'm this greyness.

As I look at the sign, for what seems like forever, I hear a sound behind me.


Like snakes but presumably larger. I heard it again from in front of me, I jerk my head to try and follow it. Not wanting to fool with my illusions and hallucinations at the moment, I walk into the building.

It was supposedly a bar, but no one in sight. A sudden wave of deja vu washed over me as I had a memory of this place.

'Just turned eighteen, aye son?' my dad joked.

I saw a blurry and glared version of teenage me and my dad. It made me unsteady, watching myself like this.

I mean, sure, people have had dreams like this, but this was so graphic, and... Detailed.

All of a sudden, they stopped talking and turned their heads achingly slow towards my direction. A little uneasy and slightly paranoid I held my breath, hoping they couldn't see me.

"You can't run that range, after all möñßtërß æñd mēñ ñēvër çhæñgë.." they eerily whisper, and that's when I lose it, and run out if the door, hearing menacing cackling from behind.

I get outside the abandoned bar, and see a storm, not any storm, a giant storm ahead. Lighting and thunder almost in unison heading my way.

I ran for safety but everything was closed out.

I had no escape. The storm was inevitable.



Alex POV:

I woke up, my head resting of the not so soft bed. My head rang with confusion as it hit me.

John was in a coma and there as nothing we or the doctors could do about it until he wakes up.

I was least to say empty. I didn't feel anything, maybe a hint of regret, or despondency.

In front of me, across the bed, Thomas was staring blankly out the grey window. The rain hitting the window lightly. The storm was getting worse and worse. I felt tense and afraid.

Not just for John but for the memories I have developed from the storm, and my parents, and everything that went to shit and now John is hurt too.

Why is it everywhere I go pain is oozing out from it.

I can't take the pain any longer if all it brings is others to their knees in mercy.

Though you may think I'm being a tad overdramatic, I've never realized how sad I really am, or anybody else around me.

Oblivion and obliviousness is the salvation to the Devil.

The rain intensifies, and all I can do is zone out, staring at the contrast between John's pale lifeless skin, and his brown once radiant freckles.

Thomas, still lost and empty. John still lifeless and broken. And me. I'm the scared, paranoid,   little kid everyone points at when something has gone wrong.

And this time the pointers he pointed in the right way.

Hi. Hello. It's me. Again. Hope you at least enjoyed this angsty chapter, because though it may be sad and depressing, I swear it gets better. Stay tuned, my guys, gals, gender  fluid and non binary pals.


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