Chapter 5

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After school I went to the office to meet headmistress for my extra classes to control my elements.

"The last member of our little group to arrive", headmistress says as I enter, I stop when I see who are here as well Aiden, Willow and Rose?

"Seriously?" Willow scoffed.

"Yes seriously and you have to get along", headmistress says,"since you four got each of the four elements, you will make a great team", she continues.

"I can already control my own, so I don't need to be here", Willow states.

"Your mother request for you to be here, she doesn't want a weak heiress."

Willow rolls her eyes,"typical mom."

"Hey the name's Aiden, what's yours?" Aiden offer his hand.

"Its Adrianna, but you can call me Anna for short", I shake his hand was Willow glares at me.

"And you already met Rose", headmistress says and I nod, Rose doesn't talk much but she looked good without the glasses making her light green eyes stand out.

"Now we'll be going  to my private training room, where you'll be working with each other for the next few months and number one rule, you aren't allow to bring anyone else there", headmistress warns,"understood?"

We nod.


"Now Anna, protect yourself", Aiden says as he makes a fire ball to attack me again. I make a frozen  water barrier as the ball is coming towards me.

"Good, but quicker next time", headmistress pats my head to take out the little fire.

Rose and Willow are training, or more like Willow trying to blow Rose away who stays behind the big stone wall she built.

"Ugh, I'm so tired of this", Willow says and begins to create a dust tornado in the room.

"Willow, stop now!" headmistress warns.

"Willow!", Aiden yells,"stop!"

The wind gets stronger and bigger, she'll wreck this place and also the building. I try to shoot water, but it didn't work.

I freeze the floor under us and it goes all the way up to the ceiling as it begins to make chilly. Willow little wind storm starts to calm down then eventually stop.

"Next time I tell you to stop, you will do as you're told, go to my office and wait for me there", headmistress orders.

Willow scoffs and leaves,

"What just happened?" I ask.

"This is the reason her mother wanted her to have private lessons, she got anger issues."

"Luckily she didn't have fire element or else we would of gotten burn up by now", I chuckle.

"Nah you're stronger, you would have stop the fire with your freezing" Aiden laughs and bump his shoulder with mine.

"That's all for today, you're dismiss", headmistress leaves and so did Rose.

"So there's a party on Friday at my parent's castle and everyone  in my year are invited, do you want to come?" Aiden asks taking out an invitation.

"Um.. but I got nothing really 'royalty' to wear."

"Its fine, so you're coming or not?"

"It depends", I answer.

"On what?" He frowns.

"Do I have to call you your highness every time and will you even talk to me?"

"Well you don't have to if you don't want, but to my parent yes and of course I'll talk to you maybe even a dance", he winks.

"Talking will be just fine", I state.

"You know you kind of remind me of someone", he says as we walk out the room.

"Really, who?"

"I can't really put my finger on it, but you look like royalty don't know how, but you got the looks."

"Thanks I guess."


"How was your extra classes? Did you meet anyone else?" Stella demands as we hang out in my room that night after dinner.

"Good and yes three persons, promise me you wouldn't tell anyone who it is."


"Rose, Willow and Aiden."

"Get out, no way, Aiden? As in Aiden future fire nation king?"

"Yeah, but Willow is a bitch", I nod my head.

"No doubt there, did you hear about the party at the fire nation castle on Friday?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well turns out this year invitations only, so half of us wouldn't get to go", she sighs,"its always my dream to see inside that castle since I live on that island."


My invitation is in my bag, should I tell Stella about it?

"Yeah, but at least I got you and Rose to hang out Friday night, we'll watch some movies."

"Um.. about that, I have something to tel-"

I stop when someone knocks on the door and Lillian pops her head in,"Stella?"


"Here and you better keep your mouth shut, sorry it didn't have none for you Adrianna", she smirks as she hands Stella the invitation who holds back a shriek.

"Make sure to dress not like a hobo", she adds and leaves.

"OMG I'm going to the castle, I'm going to a party/ ball", Stella shrieks,"wait what if this is a prank? What is Willow planning?"

"Calm down Stella, its not a trap plus I'll make sure Willow isn't planning anything."


"because I got one too", I got the invitation.

"No way", her mouth falls open,"and gold too."

"Yeah, Aiden give me it."

"When were you going to tell me this?" She demands.

"Just now before we were interrupted", I shrug.

"What about Rose? She'll be devastated when she finds out that we got invitations and she didn't", Stella sighs.

"We'll talk to her tomorrow or I can get Aiden to get one for her."

"You will do that?"

"Yes and its sort of Aiden's party and Rose is in his grade so yeah", I shrug.

"You're the best Anna, you know that right", Stella hugs me.

"Yes now let me go."


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