Chapter 13

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Adrianna's POV:

I step out of the school's fountain in the garden, a few people are hanging out and gasp when they see me.

"Is that?"

"Someone go call the headmistress", someone says.

"OMG Anna you're okay", Stella comes running to me, she hugs me tightly,"are you okay? What hap-"

"The headmistress will like to see you", one of the dean says to me.

"I'll tell you later", I whisper to Stella who nods.

Everyone watches me as I make my way to the office, even Lily or Lillian had a shock expression on her face.

"Sit dear", headmistress says when I enter the office, I sit down,"you're not in trouble, but the authorities from the fire nation have a few questions for you."

A man enters the office with a notepad and pen,"hello Adrianna, I'm the king's  reporter and I have a few questions for you", he says,"now first question,"who kidnapped you?"

I couldn't sell my uncle out, he helped answer some questions and have answers for my future questions as well.

"Well... I can't really remember, it was all a blur", I shrug.

Try to remember its very important, do you know any of their names?"

"No", I shake my head as headmistress study me closely.

"Have you seen any of their faces?"

"I think one or two."

"Description please."

"Well I know one of them had a tattoo on their left arm, can't remember the design, with short red hair and dark eyes."

He writes down my description, I'll feel sorry for whoever I just describe.

"Anything else, like where you were taken?"

"I was blindfold for a while."

"And the helicopter?"

"There was a helicopter?" I frown. 

Wow I am good.

"Yes, were you aware?"

"Not really", I shake my head,"last night when I fainted and woke back up I was somewhere else", which isn't a lie.

"And you didn't see what your kidnapper look like?"

I shake my head,"only a glimpse of his man who kidnapped me."

"Oh so the man you describe is working for him?"

"I believe so."

"You sure you didn't hear no names"

"He only refer to him as boss, I was blindfold, how could you expect me to see him", I sigh.

"Where's your dress?"

"Um.. when I got up and found out that I was in a different place, in a room untie and not blindfold, I change my clothes and try to escape, but was capture again."

"And blindfold?"


"What time would that be exactly?"

I shrug,"the sun was a little way above the mountain."

"Thank you Adrianna, I think I know exactly where your dress is, we'll catch the man don't worry, have a good day miss", he says to the headmistress and leaves.

"Why did you lie?" She frowns.

"I didn't l-"

"Is your kidnapper someone we should be worry about?"

I flashback to an hour ago where I was having late morning breakfast, uncle Ash was funny and told me about all the fun he had with Nana back in the days.

"No, not at all", I shake my head.

"Good, you can go back to your room and rest I got an afternoon meeting with the school board."

I leave the office and bump into someone,"Anna you're okay", Anthony hugs me.

"Yes they thought I was to cute and let me go", I joke and he laughs.

"Well I'm happy you're okay or else I would of burn down houses looking for you", he admits.

"No need to do that, beside I think I'm safe for now."

"Hey, wanna go to town and have lunch with me? You can bring along your friend if you want", he offers.

"Sure, I'll have to shower first though."

"Not a problem."

I walk back to my dorm, "were you so ugly that they let you go quickly?" Willow approaches me with her red hair friend.

"Were you so desperate that Aiden is starting to avoid you?" I shoot back and her mouth falls open, I walk pass them and went to my room.


"Are you sure you want me to come? I don't want to ruin your da-"

"Its not a date Stella and he ask for you to come as well", I cut her off.

"If you say so, so who's your kidnapper?" She whispers.

"I can't tell you that, but what I can tell you is that I have another element", I smile and her mouth falls open.

"No way, get out", she pushes me slightly.

"I'm dead serious, I have to unlock it for myself and check this out", I pull my right jacket sleeve and show her my wrist, you can barely see the mark now.

"Is that?"

"A mark yes", I nod.

"It doesn't look like any ordinary mark, it looks like a birth mark", she frowns.

"Ready to go girls?" Anthony arrives and I pull back down my sleeve.

"Wait, you got your own car?" I look at the black car with tilted glass windows.

"Yes and I'm driving", he shows us his keys.

"Then let's go", I open the back seat door and Stella gets in then I did and Anthony shut the door for me.

"Where is Aiden anyway?" I ask as he drives.

"At the castle, he'll be back later or tomorrow", Anthony answers.


"Table for three please", Anthony says to the clerk.

"Right this way sir", the man replies.

"He knows you?" I ask.

"Almost everyone in the city does, photographers for newspapers and magazines always taking photos of Aiden and I when we go out", he explains.

We sit by the table out on the balcony,"what would you like to order?" A waitress comes with a smile, but is checking Anthony out.

"Your best menu, you guys aren't allergic to anything right?" Anthony asks and I shake my head.

"I'll allergic to pepper", Stella answers. The irony, she has fire element but allergic to pepper which is hot.

"No pepper what so ever", Anthony turns back to the waitress who nods.

"I'll be back shortly", she glares at us when Anthony looks at the view.


Kind of long chapter, but what do you think?

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