Chapter 9

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Adrianna's POV:

I wake up and I am tie to a chair, the room is dark with one dull light above me.

 Where am I?  

The door opens and a man steps in,"ah she's finally awake", he chuckles. He steps into the light, he is dress in black, light brown hair and dark eyes.

"Who are you?" I frown.

"That's not important right now Adrianna."

"H- how do you know my name?" I stutter.

"That's secret sweetheart", he plays with the end of my hair.

"What do you want?" I snap.

"Oh fierce, definitely got their temper no doubt", he grins.


"Let me go now", I glare at him and feel my eyes burning as I clutch my fist which I feel is starting to freeze.

"Calm down, you can't escape", he says as fire appear and I gasp.

"S-stop", I demand as my eyes stop burning.

"How could he say you're special if you aren't doing anything", he sighs and the fire vanish as he cuts the rope on my wrist.

He grabs my hand and turn the back of my hands inspecting it as he frowns,"he probably got it wrong again", he mutters.

Who is he talking about?

"This will only sting a little", he holds my right forearm tightly as the fire appears in his left hand.

"What you're doing?" I try to pull away but his grip is tight,"stop!"

I feel the fire burning me and I scream, he stop and frowns.

"Definitely not that hand."

He take my left forearm.

"Stop now!" I yell,"when I get out of this I'll kill you", I snap as he place his hand on my wrist.

I flinch as I feel the fire burning me but not that much as on my right. It feels actually warm and comforting, I open my eyes and see his eyes wide as he stares down at my wrist. 

I look down and gasp.


Aiden's POV:

The lights come back on, everyone is wet while some of my classmates with air element work on drying us off.

"Where is Adrianna?!" Anthony demands looking around.

"She was right here next to me, she just disappear", a purple hair girl gasps.

"Adrianna!" Anthony yells as everyone becomes quick.

"What's going on?" Dad asks.

"One of my classmates is kidnap, the girl with blonde hair."

"How the hell did this happen?" Mom demands.

"W- we're still working on it your highness", one of our guards bow.

"We got a girl missing and if this gets out, we're in trouble!" Dad snaps.

I never see my dad so angry well expect that one time Anthony and I burn down his yacht when we were 9. 

"We'll find her your majesty."

"I think its best if everyone goes back to the academy", mom says to dad who nods.

"Listen everyone for your own safety please return back to the academy, don't worry about your friend my troops are looking for her."

"Like if anyone will notice she's missing", Willow scoffs and I roll my eyes.

Everyone leaves, leaving Anthony, my parents, the headmistress and I alone.

We will like to speak in private", mom turns to Anthony and I.

"Let's go bro", Anthony slaps my back as we walk out the ballroom.

"Who do you think kidnap an innocent girl like her? She lives with her grandmother and only have water element", I frown.

"Didn't you notice something about her eyes?" He ask.

"Crystal blue", I shrug.

"Yeah, but there is something else too."

"Stop overthinking it man, come on let's go prank some guards", I chuckle.

1:30 am

I wake up and watch outside my large window, outside is clear and you can see the stars. I slip on my slippers and quietly open my door then close it back gently. 

"Any news yet?" I hear dad asks as I got close to the stairs, I am leaning against the wall.

"No your majesty, but may I ask who is this girl anyway?"

"Someone", he replies.

"Doesn't seem like just someone."

"Keep looking", he orders.

"Of course your majesty", the guard leaves.

I peek and see dad's back to me as he watches the double front door then turn  to go to the throne room.

"Honey its late, you should come to bed", I hear mom says.

"I can't."

"Why? We don't even know this girl."

"It's complicated", he sighs.

"Stop stressing, let your men look for her you need to sleep, remember your mother is coming soon to visit."

Oh yeah grandmother is coming next weekend, she's kind of strict especially with Anthony's sister.

"Oh yeah, mother just what I needed", dad sighs.

"Let's go to bed", mom suggests and I hide in one of the rooms.

I hear them walk pass the room and to the their room a few door before the stairs to the next floor.

I come out of the door and went downstairs to the main kitchen for a light snack and some milk,

"Hungry as always your highness", our cook chuckles as he walks in.

"Yes, so what you're doing up still?" I ask, normally he is asleep till 4 am.

"Putting things in place to prepare a good breakfast meal for you in a couple of hours, you should be asleep your majesty you intend to sleep in on Saturdays."

"Give me a glass of milk and I'll be off", I reply as he pour some milk in a glass and hand it to me, then I leave.

I went to our family room, where we chill maybe watch a show or play board games.  I sit down on the couch and drink my milk.

"Where are you Adrianna?"


What do you think about this chapter, figure out who is Adrianna as yet or her secret?

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