Chapter 24

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I open my eyes and see the sun shining through the huge windows in my room, yesterday after dress shopping I came to the castle and had dinner with dad, Aiden and Daphne. Then Anthony came over he, Aiden and I explore the whole castle and then ice skate in the small pond in the garden which I froze.

A maid comes in, "oh you're up, let's get you dress for breakfast", she smiles as she opens the curtains to make more light come into the room.

"You don't have to bathe me I can do that for myself, can you look for a nice dress?" I ask as I get out of bed, she nods and opens the double door to my walk in closet. It is like a clothing store in there I swear.

After showering and whatnot, the maid help me into my sundress and fix up my hair while another maid make up my bed and tie the curtains.

Aiden comes in, he's in a long soft pants and a short sleeve shirt, "morning sis", he smiles.

"What is the plan for after breakfast?" I ask as the maid finishes my hair and I stand up.

"Well dad will be busy with the council and mom will be in the spa till lunch, so dad said you have to choose the decorations and any cake you want for the ball, I have archery lessons with Anthony and a few guys", he answers.

"I have to choose the decorations?"

"Yes it is your ball also grandma is coming so I'll help you choose a color what she definitely wants to see."

I nod and we leave the room.

"Who do you think Anthony likes?" I ask.

"I think it is Lily, why else would he ask her to be his date to the ball?"

I nod.


"So what kind of cake do you want princess?" The chef asks holding a note pad and pen in his hands.

"Um..", I look at the cake book again, what kind of cake do royalty like?

"You can choose anyone even two if you like", he says.

"I will like double chocolate chip cake and also carrot cheese cake", I reply and close the book.

"Good choice, did you know that the king's mother love carrot cheese cake?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Yeah so great choice now appetizers."


"Well I love yeast rolls", I admit.

He nods and write it down,"good any special punch and drink?"

"Fruit and champagne."

"That's it, thank you princess", he bows and leaves.

"Unto decorations", Aiden says as we head to the ballroom.

My dress is very beautiful. (Dress above)

"I want the decoration to match my dress also add in some white and a light color", I say to the decorator.

"Is this bouquet the colors you want?" She asks.

"Yes I like it", I nod and look at Aiden who smiles

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"Yes I like it", I nod and look at Aiden who smiles.

"Nice and to be honest grandma loves peach", he whispers.

"Me too."

"By this afternoon here will be transform into a beautiful ballroom", she says.

"What do you want to do?" I turn to Aiden and he smiles, "do want to come archery lessons with me? I am sure dad wouldn't mind."

"Sure", I nod.

I go  back to my room and change into a long sweatpants and a tank top, my hair in a pony tail.

"Hey Tony", I smile and Anthony glares at me,

"Don't call me that!" He snaps.

"Sorry", I mumble and he sighs.

"I just don't like that name okay, its not your fault", he hugs me.

We reach the field where the archery is set up and three guys are standing there with bows and arrows.

"Hey guys", Aiden and Anthony greet them, "guys as you all know this is Adrianna and she is joining us today", Aiden gestures to me.

All three guys smirk at me, the one with sandy brown hair steps forward,"my name is Lincoln", he takes my hand and kisses it lightly. 

I blush slightly as Aiden frowns at him.

"I am Fred, but you can call me Freddy", the one with curly jet black hair and sky blue eyes introduce himself.

"But you don't like anyone calling you that", the dirty blonde hair one frowns and he glares at him.

"I am Harry by the way", he says,"and if you need any help with archery I am the guy."

I nod just as the instructor comes, "okay boys and girl?" He frowns.

 He has ginger hair and brown eyes.

"I hope you don't mind sir, but Adrianna wanted to join us today", Aiden says.

"Not at all", he shakes his head,"since there are six of you today, you will be in pairs then after we will have a short game using the toy arrows and jackets so the arrow will stick", he says.

"Anna is on my team", Harry places his arm over my shoulder.

Lincoln laughs,"you're so going to lose, she has no experience with a bow and arrow for sure, do you Anna?"

"Not at all", I shake my head and Harry's mouth falls open.

"Well Anthony is with me", Fred says.

"And Aiden is with me", Lincoln smirks.

"Sir how much time before we have a short game?" Harry asks.

"Well since it is now 10:00 am, I'll say you have two hours to practice you shots and whatnot."

"Great, Adrianna and I are going to be practice inside since she is now a beginner, let's go", Harry takes  hand.

"Later guys", I say as we head back to the castle.


What do you think will happen at the ball? 

What do you want to happen?

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