Chapter 28

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Adrianna's POV:

I wake up in a room and thankful not tied, outside is dark so I was knocked out all day and where the hell am I? 

It is quiet, I wonder where my kidnapper is?

I walk to the door and try to open it, its lock.


 I go to the window  and open it then look down a guard is there, seriously?

I sigh and pace around my room, I have to get out of here somehow. I wonder if I can take out that guard?

I went back to the window and look down, I make a ice digger and throw it at him it hit him behind his head. He falls to the ground unconscious, excellent.

I climb out the window and make an ice slide then slide down.

"Hey she's getting away!" Someone shouts.

I run into the woods I have no idea where I am going. The sky is clear and the moon is giving little light, I can hear footsteps behind me as I run.

I see a stream up ahead, I love water and is an excellent swimmer. 

It is now or never,"grab her!" Someone orders.

I held my breath and jump, I made an air bubble so I can breathe while I swim down the stream. I feel the stream going faster, shoot a waterfall is not far from here. I got above the water and take a deep breath then dive when I reach the waterfall with head first.

When I reach under water, I swim up surface immediately then swim to shore as I catch my breath. I need help and I have no idea where I am that's when I hear footsteps. I got to hide, I see a tree and runs to it as a few men went to the shore.

"She couldn't have gotten far if boss hear that she got away we're in big trouble", one of them says,"spread out."

This is going to be a long night, I climb up into the very leafy tree.

2 hours later

I been here for a good while and now the men have gone to a different place to look for me, I climb down and approach the water and take a coin I hid in my bra.

I toss the coin into the water and say,"call queen Aisha."

The water becomes clear and I see my mother comes into view, her eyes are red from crying,"oh my goodness, Anna are you okay? Where are you?" She gasps.

"I am okay, but I have no idea where I am mom and I'm scared", I admit.

"Which nation you think you are on?"

"Maybe fire still", I look around.

"Okay I'll get some people to look for you just hang in there, I'll tell your father you contacted me as well."

"Bye mom."

"Stay safe and you are very strong just remember that."


Aiden's POVL

I have been worried about Adrianna all day also Stella, after the cafe she went home and I head back to the castle. 

"Sir a message came for you", a guard comes into the dining room as dad and I are sitting have a ate snack, it is already past 10:00 pm.

"What is it?"

"We been attack and they got into the chambers", he answers.

What? No.

"Then I'll fight them", dad stands up,"fetch my brother as well", he orders.

"Right away your majestic also queen Aisha sent a message."

What could she possibly want?

"What is it?"

"The princess contacted her, but not sure where she is exactly."

Adrianna escaped?

"Get a search party and get my men with me to the chambers", dad orders.

"Dad what can I do?" I get up as well.

"Stay here and safe in case some of them comes to the castle."

"But I want to find Anna."

"My men will find her, I promise."

If queen Aisha's own doesn't first.

I stay awake on my bed, it is midnight and still no message from dad or if Anna is found yet. I get off my bed and walk out on my balcony as the wind blows lightly against my skin. 

I look up at the stars as I see a shooting star, I close my eyes and think,'I wish my sister returns home safely and dad catches the intruders.'

I open my eyes and went back to bed, hopefully to get some sleep now.


I hear loud talking coming from the courtyard, I rub my eyes and glance at my clock 2:30 am. I walk out on my balcony and see the guards have people handcuffs leading them beside the castle, I put on my jacket and leave my room.

I went down to the first floor and into the dining room where dad is sipping some tea and Anna next to him with dark circles under her eyes.

"Anna!" I smile and she looks at me with a sad smile.

"Aiden what you're doing up?" Dad frowns just as mom comes in.

"Oh you're back honey", she pecks dad's cheek,"and you found her too", she looks at Anna.

"Well technically her mother did before  I can", dad chuckles.

"Well I'm going back to bed, glad you're safe Adrianna", mom says and leaves.

"We'll talk some more when you are well rest, Aiden make sure she gets to her room safely I have some unfinished business to do", dad gets up.

I nod and lift Anna,"I can walk Aiden", she laughs.

"You're light as a feather."

"What's gonna happen now?" She closes her eyes as she rest her head on my chest.

"I have no idea", I admit.

"Aiden, when you find out the truth about how I get kidnap please don't let dad  kill  the person who made it happen?" She looks into m eyes.

"I'll see what I can do", I kiss her forehead.


Double update. 

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