Chapter 11

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Adrianna's POV:

My eyes.... 

My eyes...  

My eyes are freaking hazel, but not any kind of hazel, the flammable hazel eyes which only the....

I cover my mouth as the man remove the mirror from in front of me,"you see Adrianna why you're special?" He asks.

I shake my head,"what do you want?"

"Oh nothing really, but I have answers concerning you and your family line though."

"You know my parents?" I frown.

"All to well", he chuckles,"especially Aspen."


"Yes you see, I'm-"

He stops when I hear a loud crash from downstairs. He gets up immediately and looked down from his window, "boss we're under attack by some troops", the man burst in.

"Don't let them get inside, keep them busy", he orders and he grabs me,"also get my helicopter ready on the roof."

I get up as he tugs me out the office and down the corridor to the stairs which leads up, I feel like I'm in a movie.

"Where we're going?"

"Somewhere safe, you can trust me."

I snort,"trust you? You're the one who kidnapped me."

"It was the only way, your grandmother wouldn't let me come near you. I been trying to get to you for years, you deserve to know the truth", he explains as we reach the roof.

"About what?"

"About your parents and the truth about them also."

"Who are you anyway?"

"You'll know soon, right now I'm not in the mood to be thrown into a dungeon without you knowing the truth instead of it hitting you straight in the face", he answers as we got into the helicopter.

We fly in the air for about twenty minutes until I see a kind of mini castle and a big field.

We fly in the air for about twenty minutes until I see a kind of mini castle and a big field

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"You live there?"

"Yeah sort of, also I am sorry for kidnapping you it was the only way to get you, through that party", he apologizes.

"When will I get to go back to school though? I got classes on Monday", I frown.

"Well since I really want you to know the truth, I really don't want you to go just yet."

"I'll spend the day then go tomorrow, but at least tell me who you are?" I sigh.

"My name is Ash and I'm your great uncle", he smiles.

"Wait Nana had a brother?" I gasp.

"Wow she did a good job keeping you in the dark huh?" He chuckles,"same old Aspen."


Lord Austin's POV:

"Why are you so worried about that girl dear?" Daphne asks me as we sit down for some late morning snack.

Aiden is still asleep, if he likes to sleep in what kind of kin- never mind.

"Because I just do", I answer as I dip my biscuit in the milk and eat.

"No, there's something about her", she looks at me,"are you hiding something?" She asks.

I open my mouth to speak just as my reporter enter the dining room, talk about good timing,

"Your majestic, I think we found her", he bows.

"And?" I ask.

"The man got away with her in a helicopter", he adds.


I can feel my eyes burning up as I glare at him in which he finches while he is still bowing,"honey calm down", Daphne touched my arm,"you may go", she says to the pale reporter.

No one touches her and I mean no one.

"What's up with you? Tell me now, who the hell is that girl and why are you so worry about her?" Daphne demands her brown eyes piercing into my hazel ones.

"Her name is Adrianna", I begin.


"And she needs help", I reply.

"Why from you directly? We got many troops in the town where her grandmother can go to for help to find her", Daphne rolls her eyes. I don't like how Daphne is starting to turn, she was kind before and now she's turning cold hearted.

"You don't understand, why are you acting like a selfish spoil stuck up woman?" I snap as she gasps and hurt flashes through her eyes.

"How dare you?" she slaps me hard and leaves the dining room crying. I sigh, why did I marry her again?

Oh yeah because of my mother.

"So you finally made her cry, took you long enough", my brother enters chuckling.

"She pissed me off, but got to admit that was a strong slap", I rub my cheek.

"The girl you're looking for, who is she exactly?" he ask.

"She's...." I trail off when I see Aiden comes in with a concern look.

"Dad, why is mom crying out in the garden?"

"I said some things and she slap me then left."

"But you never did that before", he frowns.

Exactly I should have did it as well when we were invited to queen Aisha's wedding when she made an awful remark about the bride.

"Yeah she step over the line this time, don't you have practice in like an hour?"

"Yes, but not feeling up for it", he shrugs,"have you heard anything about her yet?"

"You like her?" my brother smirks at him.

"What? No, but I think Anthony does."

I frown.

"Ahh young love, right bro", he smirks at me. He knew exactly who he was referring to back when we were in our early twenties.

I roll my eyes, I will find you Adrianna and when I do, I'm not going to repeat my mistake.


Another short chapter. 

Have you figure out some of Adrianna's family secrets? Because I gave you like a lot of obvious hints in chapter 10 and now here.

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