Chapter 12

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Adrianna's POV:

I walk into the room I'll be staying until tomorrow. It is big with high ceiling and a queen size bed with light green sheets and comforters over it.

"Boss will like to see you now", Will taps the open door, I finally knew his name after he got tired of me asking him. He came with the other helicopter a little after us.

We walk down the corridor an stop at a large double door,"in there", he gestures to the door and leaves. 

Here goes nothing, I push open the doors  and walk into the large room where uncle is sitting behind his big desk while slipping some coffee.

"Close back the doors, I think its time you know about your mother", he says.

"She's alive?"

"Yes and very well too, what did your grandmother told you after her?"

I close back the doors and sit down,"nothing much just that I got her hair", I shrug.

"And look similar to her also", he adds. 


"Yes except your eyes and nose", he nods.

"Who is mother? Where is she? Does she kn-"

"Calm down, are you really sure you want to know who your mother is?"

"For the past 16 years of my life", I assure him.

"Alright then, I'll just show you", he takes out a big book from one of his shelves.

He hands it to me and I open it, it is an album.

"Is that-"

"Your grandmother yes", he nods as I point to a girl about a year older than me with blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. She looks similar to me and there is a younger boy next to her with gray eyes and toothy smile.

"Who's that?" I ask after a few pages, there is a man next to Nana with ginger hair and gray eyes.

"That's your grandfather", uncle Ash replies with a frown.

"Where is he?"

"He passed away a few years back, I think when you were about 8 years", he explains.

"Yeah, was it when grandma was sad for a few months and barely spoke?" I remember now.

"Yeah, now keep flipping through,"

I gasp when I stop on a page,"i- is that her?" I point at the woman who is about twenty something with a big belly.

"Yes, she was also the crown princess of the water nation."

"That means she's queen now and I'm..."

"Yes the heir, the uncrowned princess."

"Why did she send me away?" I sigh.

"It was your grandfather's suggestion that your grandmother would raise you away from all the attention, at that time your mother was starting her training to be queen and some people were threatening the kingdom, all she wanted was to keep you safe", he explains.

"Have she ever came to see me?"

"Not that I know of, she's been busy for the first two years of your life then got marry to a dutch and had a son who is eight years now."

I have a brother?

"Will he be the future king?"

"Well the court is having problems because he hasn't develop his water element yet."

"So I'm the rightful heir to the throne?"

"Yes you got royal blood flowing through you", he nods.

"When will I see my mother?"

"Soon I hope, now about your eyes."

"Yeah, how can it change to that color?" I frown.

"Because you have another element that is trying to be set free."

I had another element? 


This is all to stressful, I use the calling fountain that is outside in the courtyard to call grandma.

"Who do you wish to call?" The water asks.

"My grandmother."

Nana appears a few seconds later,"oh my Adrianna, are you alright? When I got the call, I couldn't think wha-"

"Nana what really happened to my mother?"

"I told you she was busy."

"Doing what? Running a country?" I cross my arms

She gasps,"who told you?"

"Doesn't matter, why would you hide something like that?" I cry,"why hide something like that?What if I want to take my rightful place?"

"Listen to me Adrianna, now its not the time to gain attention those people been looking for you for years."


"Bad people, you're very special and if they get hold of you who know what will happen, where are you?"

"Hello dear sister", uncle comes next to me.

"You bastard, do you have any idea what kind of trouble you are in? Lord Austin has his troop looking for her and if they get hold of yo-"

"Calm down Aspen, no one is going to find me, I can keep a low profile. As for Lord Austin, now he cares when he should o-"

"Let Adrianna go back to school, the fire lord is very angry he even snapped at his wife when he was defending Adrianna", she informs us.


"But she wanted to spend the day", uncle pouts.

"Now Ash, you forgot I know where you live I can expose you within minutes", Nana threats as uncle sighs.

"Fine, but she knows the truth about Aisha and it wouldn't be long till they find her since Austin is throwing a trauma about Adrinna,"

"I'll tell him that she's safe just let her get back to school and Adrianna dear not a single word about your uncle or your mother", Nana orders and I nod as the water turn back to normal.

"You heard her, let's get you back to your school", uncle claps his hands as the  fountain makes a portal.

"Do I really have to go now?" I sigh.

"Well you can eat breakfast first, since you haven't."

"Thank you" 

We head back inside.


Aiden's POV:

"are you sure?" I hear dad asks his reporter as I enter the throne room.

"Yes your highness,  positive", the reporter nods.

"Thank you so much", dad nods and he leaves, but bow at me as he walk pass me.

"What's going on?"

"She back at the academy and is safe", his face look relief.

"What is she to you dad? Why hurt mom over her?"

I was getting tired of him dodging my question.

"I think its time I tell you the truth, but don't ever reply what I am about to tell you, swear on it."

"I swear on grandpa's grave I would never repeat it unless you tell me to", I promise.

"Let's go somewhere private", he suggests.


Secrets are finally out, well part of it, but I'm sure you can figure out who Adrianna's father is.

Any ships yet?

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