tenth thing.

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hearing familiar footsteps from the art teacher, she immediately fully got off his table and rushed to her seat, still laughing and smiling cheekily after chenle took a deep breath, and gave her a kiss on her forehead, which made the whole class crack up and holler at. they didn't even notice the other students getting in class until it.

"oh! look at them being cheesy peasy with each other!"

"chenle! asia! aren't you afraid of other girls and boys getting jealous?"

"they look so cute!"

but didn't he know, she had an another surprise for him.

"class," the art teacher cleared her throat and fixed her glasses, which caught the class' attention. "today, i want to announce the picture that was the best drawing from last week's topic."

the students seemed pretty much bored and continued on chatting, except the art geeks.

meanwhile, not letting chenle notice her feelings and her rushed heartbeat, asia darted her excited eyes up to her teacher, legs moving.

"so, zhong chenle, you got the best score."

in a split second, all kind of eyes-excited, bored, or neutral eyes all focused on the boy who got his name called. chenle took a long period of time to recover from it. his eyes hung in mid air and his smile slowly blossomed.

"i- just feel like this picture really expresses how i want the goal to be exactly. it's not a good drawing, but it seems like the woman you drew, or as you said, your mother, is really natural."

the class snickered and giggled at chenle, since it was no way that his mother was on the picture. "i really appreciate the effort- why are you all laughing at mr. zhong?"

everyone silenced, but still laughed, and contuniously teased the boy who was catching their attention.

"so, class' monitor, please hand back everyone their works."

the class monitor, renjun, jumped off his seat and went up to meet the teacher, not forgetting to give chenle a sneaky smile.

"you lovey dovey couple." he whispered.

the lesson went on, with chenle still wondering why he got the best score, while keep staring at his crush - his official crush. she seemed very focused on the lesson, so he didn't want to interrupt her at all. but again, her every movement kept distracting him.

chenle liked everything about her - from the way she smiled, to how she was able to show her awkward side and her serious side in split seconds, and how she was beautiful in a different way, it wasn't society's standards, but it still attracted him, and many others as well.

her dark hair, her honey skin, her glasses and her sparkling eyes behind it everytime she talked to him and made his heart rush. he even noticed how her eyelids were a bit unique - one of them are mono and the other is double.

he believed asia deserved to be loved and cared for. who cares about society's stereotypes? she was beautiful in her own way.

lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice what the teacher was saying, until renjun from the back slapped his shoulder.

chenle looked up to the teacher to see her and the whole class' eyes directly on him. "mr. zhong, answer my question, please?"

then everyone slightly laughed again.

"mr. zhong, can i please borrow your attention, please?" the art teacher laughed at the confused boy.

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