You Are (Not) Worthy (Merry)

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For my favorite Wattpad bestie gillybrandybuck, I hope you like this!


You never really complained about much. Truth be told, you never really had a reason to. But now, in these circumstances, you figured you were entitled to a little bit of whinging. 

The first parts of the journey to return the One Ring to Lord Elrond were successful and almost quite enjoyable. However, much had happened since then. Recently you had been captured by orcs, along with Merry and Pippin. Samwise, your older brother, and Frodo had both been lucky (with all you assumed they would be going through, 'lucky' was probably putting it lightly) to not have been present when the orcs took their spoil.

But you had to look on the bright side; you really, really liked Merry. And he knew it. And he fancied you as well. It was Sam who wasn't a big fan of the whole courting idea. You had told Sam that you and Merry wanted to begin courting, but your brother had immediately cut you off, saying that 'no good, mischievous Brandybuck' would never be good enough for you. 

How could you make Sam finally see that he was wrong? Merry was a wonderful and thoughtful hobbit, and in your mind the only suitable man to someday call your husband. Sure, he loved to assist Pippin in some occasional tom-foolery, but that was just who he was: a fun loving, sweet, caring individual. 

Still, being separated from your brother wasn't easy. You had always been with him, had him for a shoulder to cry or lean on. So now that you didn't have him with you, your countenance had fallen. You didn't have much other reason to be jovial of course, after adding in the factor of being captured by nasty, ugly, smelly orcs.

Merry and Pippin soon noticed your sorrowful disposition, and carefully approached you to ask what was wrong. When you revealed that you were grieving the oh so sudden parting of your brother, Pippin comforted you while Merry realized that this was his time to shine. If he protected you, took care of you, and made sure that Sam reunited with his sister soon, then maybe Sam would finally approve of him.

During the entire time of your capture, Merry practically never left your side, constantly telling you that all of you would survive and that you would soon reunite with your brother. You regained faith, believing for sure that you would not only live through all of this, but that Samwise would allow you two to court. 

When you, Merry, and Pippin were taken to Rivendell to recoup and prepare for the journey back to the Shire, you came across Sam while he was recovering from what Lord Elrond had said was severe dehydration and starvation. He was ecstatic to see his little sister, and shed a few tears at his relief. When he spotted Merry not so far behind you, his joyful expression fell and he glared quite ferociously at your lover. 

"You better not've been indecent while I wasn't here to protect my sister, you trouble-maker," he growled. "'Cause you know what I'll do to you if you did."

Merry's eyes widened, and although he was a little miffed he realized that this could be the perfect time to prove himself to your brother. "No, no! You don't understand! I took care of her while we were in capture. I kept her company!"

"It's all true," you confirmed. "He was my rock while we were separated. I don't know if I'd be here all in one piece if it weren't for him."

Sam looked to you, doubt written all over his face. "Are you sure about all of this? I know you fancy him, and he you, but...I'm just not so positive that he is the right one for you..."

You smiled and nodded. "Yes. I'm sure."

Sam thought for a minute, then nodded as well and patted your back. "All right, then. Off you go," he smiled sadly, deciding that it was finally time to hand you over. He later would agree that it was the best decision he'd ever made. 

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