"Hello, Ashton." I jump at the sound of Drew's voice echoing throughout the entire house."Oh, hey," I scratch the back of my neck."what are you still up for?"
"You." He states. He looked utterly concerned for me. I wonder why, I'm not in any danger.
"Why me?" I toe off my shoes and walk to the kitchen. I open the fridge and pull out a Monster.
"That kid you work with, he called me. He said you left with Luke Hemmings?" I nod as I open the drink, some squirting into my eye. I really was shit at opening these.
"Why? Don't you know he's bad news?" What? Why would he be bad news?
"Actually, no I didn't. And would you care to explain why he's bad news?" I ask, a smirk finding it's way onto my lips. He sighed and took a seat at the island, while I hopped up onto the counter.
"He's really possessive. His last relationship was with some guy, Jason. Jason went out of town and ended up cheating on Luke with-" I cut him off.
"Well not shit he's possessive! His last relationship ended terribly. He must've really liked the kid. I seriously appreciate the warning, but he seemed fine to me." I told Drew. He sighed and shrugged.
"At least give me the details of this date." He winked and started chuckling. It amazes me how he can go from so serious guy to his usual chill self.
"First, it wasn't a date. Second, we just talked at the park. And third, he's coming by my work tomorrow. Since my schedule is the same until Michael gets back, he's coming the same time as he did today." I explained with a stupid grin casted upon my lips. I'm nearly positive that I was a deep crimson by now.
"Ooh, and you said it wasn't a date!" He shook his head and wiggled his brows suggestively. I gasped and hopped off the counter, going to smack him. I swatted his shoulder and sauntered to my room. He groaned whilst laughing and his footsteps soon followed after mine.
"Night, Ash. I'm gonna have a shower." He said closing the bathroom door behind him. I scoffed and knocked on the door. I waited for it to open, and when it finally did Drew had his shirt off.
"Goodnight, Drew! Have fun dealing with emotional drunks and slutty teens with fake IDs." I said with a sly grin. He frowned. He worked at a bar, which I've been to, and it's a wreck. Absolutely pissed people throwing themselves on you, ugh.
"Fuck off," he shoved me. Then a smirk found it's way onto his face.
"Actually, fuck Luke." And then the door was slammed in my face. I was about to pound on the wood, until I heard the click that signaled it was locked. I stood there for a good two minutes then the water turned on and I regained the ability to move my legs again.
I yawned when I entered my bedroom. I threw off my shirt and skinny jeans, throwing them into the hamper. I picked out my trainers from the floor, and my Grateful Dead shirt. I plugged up my phone and began going through my playlists until I found nothing. I had a song come to mind so I played it.
'Too many bottles of this wine we can't pronounce. Too many bowls of this grain, not lucky charms.' The lyrics flooded out perfectly. I shuffled under my duvet and slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
There was an irritating pound at the door. I pressed the 'home' button on my phone, squinting at the brightness. It was about five in the morning.
"Who the fuck could have the nerve to wake me up at this hour?" I grumbled to myself.
I slowly elevated myself so I was in an upright position. I threw off the warm blanket and waddled to the front door. The pounding hadn't ceased and I was getting quite annoyed.
"Who wants to bother me right now?" I say before opening the door. And to say I was shocked would be an understatement.
There stood Luke Hemmings, broad shoulders and all. I blushed and greeted him quite rudely.
"What the hell?"
"Hello to you too, cutie." He winked. I shivered and flipped him off. The cold got to me and I bit my lip.
"Get your ass inside. It's cold."
"Okay. But I'm only going to be here for a minute."
"Why are you here?" I ask closing the door behind him. He didn't answer me, instead he grabbed my hand and I felt a slight pinch, causing me to wince.
He smiled smugly and held up a small piece of wood.
The splinter.
"It was going to bother me knowing it was still penetrated into your skin."
"I uh, I," I couldn't find anything to say. What was a supposed to say?
"Bye now." And he was gone. I blinked my eyes and locked the door. I walked back to my bedroom and flopped into the mattress. It wasn't long before I fell asleep. But this time, I dreamt about a certain blonde.
"SHE'S GOT YOU HIGH, AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW YET! SHE'S GOT YOU HIGH AND YOU DON'T EVEN-" My majestic, yet off key, singing was rudely interrupted by the jingling of the bell.
My eyes widened as a tall brunette boy walked in. I recognized him instantly. Calum Hood. My ex-boyfriend. He cheated on me when I was in senior year and he was a sophomore. He cheated on me with Jason Dou-wait.
Jason Dougen? Maybe that was the same Jason that Luke dated. It makes sense, he cheated on Luke with Calum. And Calum cheated on me with Jason.
I shake my head to rid the thoughts. I didn't want to think about that right now. That was a dark time of my life. Calum and I had been together for three years. And I know its hard to forget something like that. Especially since I loved Calum, and he knew that. He had always said it back, so it confuses me as to why he would cheat.
I looked up to be met with those familiar brown eyes. I smiled weakly and searched his hands for some CDs, but they were empty.
"Hey, uh, Calum. You need something?" I ask.
"Yeah, Drew told me you worked here. I kind of wanted to talk to you," he coughs and looks down.
"Well, what's up?"
"I want, I want you back."

bright blue eyes ;; l.h. + a.i.
FanfictionAshton was bored with his life. He wanted some sort of adventure, danger. He grew up as the good little boy that everyone else's parents loathed. But after nineteen years of the same bullshit, he wanted something new. And on a late night shift at th...