"Bye, Brian!" I yelled at my coworker, he waved and I nodded to Luke. He stood up and walked out with me. The cool air surrounded us and I stuffed my hands into my pocket. The silence was calming. But I was itching for him to say something. And because Luke is Luke, he read my mind.
"This is a poem." He stated. Then he was silent. I interuputed his silence with a loud burst of laughter.
"Sometimes, the best poems have no words," he started. I thought for a moment before actually saying something.
"And silence is how we express our deepest pain," I finished. He smiled a lopsided smile and looked into my eyes, but I quickly looked away.
"Why do you not want to look into my eyes when we speak?" He asks.
"Its easy to read people when you look them in the eyes while speaking." I mumbled.
"Do you not want to read me? To know what I'm feeling?" He tries to meet my gaze, but I know I'll ruin it.
"You've never had a problem with looking me in the eyes, why the sudden change?" He whispers.
Because I think I like you?
"Because, I don't want you to look into my eyes and read me." I say back. He nods and stays silent.
We walk on and soon reach a little coffee shop. I wanted to walk right past it but Luke pulled me inside.
"What are we-" I was cut off by Luke talking to the woman behind the counter.
"One chocolate chip muffin, please." My eyes widened and I squealed. He chuckled and I jumped on his back, my arms wrapped around his shoulders. He puts his hands under my thighs, dangerously close to my butt.
"Muffin! Yay! Thank you, Lukey! Thank you so much!" I praise him and he shakes his head while chuckling.
The lady giggles and nods. She grabs a napkin and walks over to the case full of baked goodness. I smile and starts chanting 'muffin' over and over. Luke shakes his head again.
"Its hard to believe your older than me." I pout.
"You don't know that I'm older!"
"Then, how old are you?" He asks. I'm still on his back and the lady brought back the muffin. I thank her and answer Luke's question.
"nineteen." I answer.
"I'm seventeen." I gasp and he shoots me a questioning glance. He probably forgets we're in the middle of the store by now.
"You have such broad shoulders though!" I giggle and he groans. He was about to reply when the woman says something that catches us off guard completely.
"You guys are the cutest couple ever!" She gushes and Luke and I share a glance. I didn't want to be rude and correct her, and judging by Luke's answer, neither did he.
"Thanks, we just started dating." She giggles and claps her hands. I didn't really want to talk about this anymore so I made up an excuse.
"Lukey, can we go home and watch 10 Things I Hate About You?" I ask. The woman coos at my nickname for him and I smile at her.
"Sure thing, babe."
"Bye, ma'am! Have a good evening!" I shout as Luke and I exit the store. I'm still on Luke's back and I don't feel like getting off and actually walking anytime soon. He starts chuckling and I scrunch my brows in confusion.
"What?" I question.
"I guess we're dating now." He laughs out. I giggle before kissing his cheek.
"When we were not dating, babe?" I ask. But there was so much more behind my statement. I actually wanted this to be real. I wanted to date Luke.
"Yep, we're boyfriends. Your opinion is irrelevant." He says seriously. I giggle and rest my head on his shoulder.
"I never would have said otherwise." I mumble in his ear. I feel him shiver underneath me. I smirk and kiss his cheek. I then hop off his back and bite into my muffin. He watches me with a stupid smile on his face.
"What?" I ask with a mouthful of muffin. He chuckles and reaches over to me. I lean back as his thumb comes into to contact with my cheek. He pads his thumb at the corner of my mouth and then brings it to his mouth.
I just stand there, awestruck at the boy before me. He just smiled and grabbed me hand lightly tugging me along with him.
"You had a little something, something." He laughed at me. I blushed and took my hand back. He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. Rolling my eyes, I sped up ahead of him. I saw a nearby trash can and discarded my empty muffin wrap.
"Awe, Ashy! Wait up!" He whines. I just go faster.
"Baby, come back!" Once I hear he's running I start as well. I can hear his footsteps getting louder by the seconds.
"Come and catch me!" I yell. I didn't dare turn around because I would either fall or scream.
"If you say so," He says. He sounds like he's right behind me. I just pick up the pace. I see the old hotel I used to sneak into as a kid. I smirk and run over to the behind area. I climb the fence as quickly as possible. I turn and see Luke on the other side.
"Awe, no fair! I have to climb the fence now!" He shrieks. I stick out my tongue and make my jolly old way to the elevator. I press the button with the letter "R" on it. Meaning "Rooftop".
I always used to come here as kid. My parents would fight a lot and this would be my escape. Maybe my stuff is still up there. If I'm lucky, they wouldn't have thrown it away. But they probably did.
I turn back to Luke and see him just jumping down from the fence.
"Come on." I say.
"What are we doing here? Isn't this trespassing?" He asks. I giggle and sling my arm around him as he joins me in the elevator.
"What? You're one of toughest guys in town! You haven't done this before?" He shrugs.
"I usually go it alone,"
"Well, that's too bad. But you have me, so I'm forcing you not to go on alone." I kiss his cheek and he blushes.
"I'm not complaining."
"Why not? I thought you hated people." I mumble. He looks at me with those blue eyes I've grown so fond of.
"Yeah, but I don't hate you."

bright blue eyes ;; l.h. + a.i.
FanfictionAshton was bored with his life. He wanted some sort of adventure, danger. He grew up as the good little boy that everyone else's parents loathed. But after nineteen years of the same bullshit, he wanted something new. And on a late night shift at th...