I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the small river.
We were currently laying in Luke's backyard. After Taco Bell, he decided he was going to ditch school for the rest of today, even after I pleaded him not to, he didn't comply. So, he brought me to his house. It's like a small cottage and just awe. I haven't seen his bedroom. He says its really messy.
"Luke, you need to go back to school." I say. He grunts and rolls over so he's facing me.
"It's not like I haven't done this before." He says to me. I roll my eyes and kick his leg. He fake winces and I let out a small giggle.
"Are you mad that I'm ditching school?" He asks.
"No, no I'm not mad. It's just, I don't think I'm special enough for you to ditch school." I stick my tongue out at him and he laughs.
"Well, I think you are special enough." He pokes my chest and I let out a small 'thank you'.
He rolls over so he's laying on his back and looking at the sky. I do the same and start to get lost in my thoughts. What if Luke's not seeing me the way I'm seeing him? What if I make the wrong move and he leaves? What if-
"Have you ever kissed a boy?" He asks me. I shake my head, "Nah."
"Wait, but you dated that guy..." I nodded and giggled at how lost my blonde friend looked.
"Yeah, but I never kissed him. I think a first kiss is something that you should keep until someone you love, much like your virginity." I ramble out as he just stares at me in awe. I blush and apologize but he smiles and says he agrees with me.
"Yeah, and Calum cheated on me because he wouldn't get any action out of me. He was a hormonal teenage boy with hormonal teenage boy needs." I wave dismissively and continue to look at the sky.
"Have you ever kissed a boy?" I ask. Luke sighs heavily and he looks tensed. I scoot closer to him and wrap an arm around him.
"I have, but I don't want to count it." He breathes.
"I was drunk." He finishes. I nod and he rests his head on my shoulder when an idea pops into mind, I almost asked him too. But, I didn't.
"I wouldn't have counted t either." I agree. He smiles and stands up, stretching out his long arms. He offers me his hand which I take. He grins widely as he leads me through the house, exciting out the front door.
"Hey, Ash," He announces. I look at him and nod for him to continue. He grins wider and I giggle at his cuteness.
"Wanna go break some rules?" He asks as a flicker of excitement flashes through his eyes.
"Even the rules of physics?" I ask with a smile.
"Even the rules of physics." He assures. I grin and hop on his back, I seem to do that a lot, you can't blame me! He's a giant.
"Then onward my blue eyed steed!" I say in a deep voice. He laughs and begins to run in the opposite direction, towards town. I only focus on him and his laugh, he truly is beautiful.
"Alright, alright." He sets me down and I pout heavily.
"Awe! I like riding you though..." I facepalmed because that sounded ten times better in my head. I blush and look at Luke through my eyelashes, he's biting his lip and his face is read. He looks like he's trying not to laugh.
"Fuck you," I punch his shoulder and begin to walk away. But he grabs my wrist and pulls me back, which ends with me falling into his chest. I hear his heart rate pick up and I pull back slightly, so I'm staring into his bright blue eyes. His eyes continuously flicker to my lips, and I bet I'm doing the same.
And, before I know what I'm doing, I'm leaning towards him and he seems to understand this as he begins to do the same. And when our faces are about an inch apart, I can feel his breath fan my lips...
His phone rings.

bright blue eyes ;; l.h. + a.i.
FanfictionAshton was bored with his life. He wanted some sort of adventure, danger. He grew up as the good little boy that everyone else's parents loathed. But after nineteen years of the same bullshit, he wanted something new. And on a late night shift at th...