Dare - #42

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Elle: Up next, we have a dare from -_Twilight_Sparkle_-. She dares you to shoot an arrow at Athena.

Annabeth: Um... shoot like how you shoot with the basketball hoop?

Elle: *groans* Gods, just let this dare end already!


Annabeth: *hiding behind one of the pillars with an arrow nocked at Athena*

Athena, Artemis, Hermes, and Aphrodite: *walking around the gardens*

Annabeth: *shoots the arrow*

Athena and Artemis: *see the arrow*

Artemis: Duck!

Athena: *rushes out of the way*

Hermes and Aphrodite: *look around* Oh? Where?

Athena: Idiots! *pushes Hermes aside*

Aphrodite: *screams when the arrow grazes her dress*

Artemis: *catches the arrow and furrows her eyebrows*

Aphrodite: *rushes away* THIS DRESS IS GUCCI!

Athena, Artemis, and Hermes: *watch her in amusement*

Artemis: *turns her head to where the arrow came from, spots Annabeth behind a pillar, and walks towards her*

Annabeth: *gulps* I'm screwed.

Artemis: *pats her back and laughs* That was... amusing.

Annabeth: *eyes widen* Thanks?

Artemis: Anyways, keep it up!

Annabeth: Keep what up?

Artemis: Your archery training. You should hit her in the face next time.


Ask or Dare Annabeth ChaseWhere stories live. Discover now