Question - #54

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Elle: Next question is still from 360NoScoperr. Do you ship Brason?

Annabeth: Brason?

Elle: You know that brick that hit Jason in the face? Well, people ship it with Jason. *snorts*

Annabeth: *bursts out laughing* Oh my gods, I wonder what else people ship us with.

Elle: *fake sneezes before clearing her throat* Bookabeth - excuse me!

Annabeth: Bless you.

Elle: *smirks* Thanks. Now, back to the question.

Annabeth: *hums* It's cute and funny, so I ship it.

Elle: Go Brason!

Annabeth: Yes, go Brason!

Jason: *scowling at them from across the table* I can hear you!


Ask or Dare Annabeth ChaseWhere stories live. Discover now