Chapter 7 - A Misunderstanding

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 Picture of Remi's wolf on the side! SO BEAUTIFUL. :'D    ------------>

Chapter 7

I awoke feeling trapped. I could barely move. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to the bright sunlight streaming through the windows. I looked behind me to see the source of my immobility. Alec. He had his arms wrapped around me and pulled tightly up against his chest. I chuckled and then the memories from last night came rushing back, causing my chuckle to turn into another groan of embarrassment. I can't believe he kissed me. 

I sighed and slowly tried to pry his arms off of me, but with no such luck. I decided to use my other tactic. I sunk myself lower into the mattress and tried to shimmy downward in hopes that I could just slip through his arms and be free. I was about three inches downward before I heard him grunt and pull me back upward and into and even tighter grasp. He slung his leg over me and snuggled into my hair before sighing in content. I never knew he was just as big of a cuddler as me. I'm definitely going to make fun of him when he wakes up, which it seems I'm going to have to wake him up in order to achieve freedom.

"Alec..." I whispered while nudging him with my elbow. Nothing. "Aleccccccccccccc." I whispered louder and wiggled around, attempting to shake him. I sighed and my futile attempts. "ALEC." I yelled, causing him to jolt awake and release me. "Thank you." I said while sitting up and glaring at him.

"What the hell?" He said groggily while holding his head,  due to the mega hangover he's most likely experiencing right now.

"Next time don't go all Python on me in your sleep and I won't have to wake you like that." I said while staring at him.

"Sorry." He mumbled. "What happened last night?" He asked with a hoarse voice.

"Well, you and Cal decided to play battle shots and got completely wasted. You won, by the way, and for your reward Cal said that I had to um... Give you a kiss." I said hesitantly. Does he remember what happened during the kiss? I hope not... That will make things awkward.

He chuckled. "And did you give me a kiss?"

"Well, y-yeah... It was just a small one." I said nervously.

"Hm." He said as he looked deep in thought, no doubt starting to remember what actually happened.

"Well, I'm gonna go take a shower, see you later!" I said while getting up and quickly walking over to his door.


I stopped in my tracks and cursed under my breath before slowly turning around with a sheepish smile.

"What happened Amaya? You're acting weird." He said with a stern look. If he knows there's something wrong with me, he won't stop until he finds out what exactly it is. Like one time I was extremely upset because Callum ate the rest of my box of cookies, and he sat outside my door for three hours trying to get me to tell him what was wrong. Eventually I realized the ridiculousness of the situation and burst out laughing, causing him to think I had gone crazy until I told him what really was wrong. But this situation is completely different.

I sighed and walked over to sit on his bed next to him. "YoutriedkissingmebackandIfreakedout." I rushed out in one breath. "Kay, so I'll see you later!" I said with fake cheer and stood up to leave.

"Wait a second." Alec said with slight anger in his voice. He grabbed my arm to keep me from leaving and turned me to face him. "I..." He sighed. "I'm sorry. I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing. I don't want this to make things between us awkward..." He said with a pained look on his face.

"I know..." I said and sat back down next to him. "I promise that if you really didn't mean it, then I'll just totally forget about it and we can go back to normal, okay?" 

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