Chapter 26 - A Solution

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Chapter 26

Remi's POV

 My wolf was trying to claw his way out, anxious to claim her as his own. Her scent intoxicated me; I wanted nothing more than to take her and claim her every time I seen, smelled, or touched her. It was becoming too unbearable. I felt my own body grow rigid as my already extended canines grazed along the spot on her shoulder where my mark should be. Then, not being able to resist a second longer, I clamped down and sank my teeth into her soft skin.

At first she let out a startled gasp from the sudden puncture, but it soon turned into screams as her entire body began convulsing from under me. I tightened my grip on her wrists so she wouldn't be able to break away as she screamed and thrashed in pain. 

I fought against her for only a few seconds, but it felt like hours. Suddenly, her entire body went limp and she closed her eyes, completely exhausted. I pulled back my head before licking my mark, ridding it of the blood and sealing it off. I released one of her frail arms and lovingly trailed it along her flushed cheek as a few remaining tears slid down and soaked into the comforter. I watched as the pained, empty look on her face slowly transformed to a small smile while her skin seemed to attain a brighter glowing look about it.

I couldn't help but feel horrible for putting her through all that pain, but at least now it was over. It's out of her and now she's officially mine forever.

"I'm sorry, mate." I whispered into her ear before placing a gentle kiss on her cheek and lifting myself off of her. I stood up and looked at her sleeping figure. She looked so calm now. Happy even. I smiled and turned to walk out the door to deliver the news to my men. 

I clicked her door shut quietly and turned to see Damian leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed and an unreadable expression inhabiting his features.

"So you finally did it, eh?" He said calmly.

I nodded, trying to contain my bliss as I replied. "I guess the oracle was right."

"It's weird how she knew everything about your situation. I mean, I thought we were pretty well hidden under the circumstances." He said thoughtfully.

"Well I guess that's why she's considered a psychic." I said easily as I began walking down the hallway in the direction of the meeting room to spread the news, all the while thinking about the meeting with the oracle that suddenly turned up at the front door yesterday.

She was ancient looking with odd clothing and a gravelly voice. Although the weirdest thing about her was that she had no scent at all. I tried smelling her scent to get a feel of who exactly she was, but it was a fruitless attempt that left me completely confused. She had told me that she knew of my situation, and presented a solution that I took skeptically. She explained exactly what was wrong with Amaya, how it happened, and how to fix it. I was devastated to hear that it was my entire fault that the thing took over her body in the first place, so I was more than willing to help get it out of her. Maybe then she would turn back to normal and love me again. The oracle had told me that to break the tie Amaya had his this demon, I had to create a bond stronger. Such as marking her. Once I create that bond, I had to build it so that it grows strong enough to make her invulnerable to it. I'm already passed step one, so now I just have to keep her happy with me and to love me again.

I sighed, making my way through the clan house with Damian following before one of my clan members ran up to me with a bewildered expression.

"Commander! There's a problem in the captivation center." He said urgently.

"What is it?" I demanded.

"The Alpha's son is going on a rampage. You need to come quick!" He said before jogging off to the captivation center with me right behind him.

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