Chapter 19 - Cantankerous

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Chapter 19

Amaya's POV

Alec and I sat in the conference room at the long table awaiting Zane to bring up the news I had just discovered. Alec picked at the edge of the table nervously as I sat leaned back in my chair tapping my foot. We had contacted him over ten minutes ago telling him that we a had very important matter to discuss, although he still hasn't shown.

Alec sighed and stopped picking at the table. "Maybe he's not coming. You know, he's probably doing something really important so we should come back anoth--" He was interrupted when Zane swung the door open and briskly walked to the table to take the seat across from us with his hands on the table.

"I hope this is very important, because I was in the middle of something for your wedding." He said with a serious look, his steel eyes seeming to bore into Alec and I.

"Actually, that's what--" Alec began before he was cut off once again.

"Which, by the way, I have decided to abridge the date to just over a week from this day. By then we'll have everything set up and we could have it out in the backyard. Is that alright?" He put in. I thought about it, and the backyard would actually be close to perfect for a wedding. It was huge, and it had a couple willow trees bordering it and some the of softest grass I've ever felt. If there was ever going to be a wedding there, it would be absolutely stunning.

"A week?!" Alec said exasperatedly.

"Well you are ready, right? There's nothing left to plan seeing as we got all of the remaining planning done during Amaya's comatose. Besides, it's only about a two month difference than what it would have been otherwise." Zane said reasonably.

Without warning, my anger spiked at how he was seeming to try and control my life, even through what I've been through. I understand that he doesn't know anything about me and my mate, but even through me being in a coma, he was still planning my wedding as if my say in it didn't even matter. I'm not going to let him control my life anymore. I slammed my fists down on the table, making it tremble under the force. Alec jumped slightly and Zane got a surprised and confused look on his face. Before he could muster a response to my random outburst, I let my anger out into my words.

"You carry on, planning my life out as if it is yours. Don't you think that I want to have a say in it? Maybe I don't want to marry my best friend! MAYBE he found his mate and has fallen in love. Have you ever though about putting our thoughts and feelings before yours for once?!" I yelled, progressively getting louder as my anger increased. I could feel the familiar itching and squirming of my skin, begging to release my wolf so I could have a better way to vent out my anger.

Zane looked taken aback a little before he quickly recomposed himself and narrowed his eyes at me menacingly. "You will NOT talk to your Alpha that way!" He yelled using his complete Alpha tone. However, it had no effect on my wolf.

"Why don't you give your son a chance to run his life the way he wishes to run it, and not dragging me into your little plot for power. You're not going to be Alpha once Alec takes place, so why are you so set on controlling the pack when you're no longer going to be in control?" I spat.

By now his face was a deep shade of red, and if it weren't for my blinding fury I'm sure I would have been cowering in a corner right now. 

"You have no right to speak to me like that. As of right now, I AM your Alpha and you WILL do what I say!" He yelled angrily.

Before I could scream an insulting response back at his face, Alec had placed his hands on my shoulders forcefully and was looking into my eyes with a look that told me to stop. I've waited almost four years to tell Zane this, so I wasn't about to back down just yet. I opened my mouth to unleash my fury, but soon I felt rough hands grab my arms and start yanking me to the door. I turned to see the Second and Third in Command pulling on me, ushering me out of the room.

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