Chapter 25 - The Exorcism

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Chapter 25

Amaya's POV

I stood up from my place on the tiled bathroom floor when I finally heard the joyous click of my bedroom door being shut, signaling Remi's retreat. I can't stay here. I need to escape and return to my territory so that I can devise a plan of freeing my pack. I opened the bathroom door and tip toed over to the window, ready to begin my mission of freedom.

I tried opening the window and, surprise surprise, it was locked. I shrugged before gripping the bottom of it and in one swift movement, I yanked it upward, successfully breaking the lock and opening the window with little commotion. I closed my eyes and breathed in the earthy breeze that drifted in through the open window before peering out. I can say that I was surprised to find that despite only being on the second floor, I was high off the ground. Much higher than the distance at my pack house. I scanned for nearby trees to climb or possible bricks sticking out from the wall to assist in my descendance, but the lawn was bare and the wall was perfectly flat. Great. I contemplated my options briefly before an idea popped into my head, urging me to play it old school. I chuckled before gleefully jogging over to the bed and grabbing the bed sheets that were crumpled on top of the soft mattress. I've always wanted to do this.

With a huge grin on my face, I tied on bed sheet on the bed post and created a long rope by tying each bed sheet together at the ends. Of course I double knotted them just in case. Then, I grabbed the tied sheets and tossed it out the window, watching as it fell to just above the one story level. Perfect. 

I swung my left leg over the window sill while gripping the sheet tightly, then I hoisted my other leg over and leaned back slightly before slowly descending down the wall. All I wanted to do was laugh out loud at the level of my excitement over something so childish, but I refrained seeing as I didn't want to alert the rogues. One I reached the end of my rope of sheets, I skillfully leapt off the wall and landed on the grass soundlessly. From there I sprinted as fast as my legs could carry me towards the forest. 

I must have misjudged the distance from the house to the forest because once I was on ground level, I saw the actual reality of how far I would have to run until I reached the concealment of the trees. What surrounded the clan house was what seemed a big, grassy field. My heart began to beat faster as I ran, knowing that I was in plain sight right now, running like my ass is on fire. Damn this stupid anti shifting device! If I were able to shift right now, I would be at the trees already!

Suddenly, there was a high pitched beeping ringing in my ears. I twitched them, trying to rid myself of the annoying noise until I noticed something on my arm. I halted in my tracks to look at the device implanted on my arm to see a small green light flashing like crazy and creating the annoying noise. What the hell? I slapped it a couple times, trying to get it to stop, but it didn't work. That's when I heard the growl from behind me. I whipped my head around to see Remi burst from the front door of the building before laying his eyes on me and snarling once again. Then, he took off. I've never seen a wolf in human form run as fast as he did when he bolted straight for me. Even though he was a good hundred feet away, he was gaining. And fast. Instantly my instincts kicked in and my legs sprinted on their own in the direction I was traveling in. Only a few more feet and I'll reach the trees. Atleast then I can use maneuvering tactics instead of running through an open field.

My breathing picked up along with my already pounding heart beat from the panic, but I was determined not to get caught. I heard his growling and breathing getting slightly closer with each step I took until I heard the sound I'd been wishing all this time that I wouldn't hear. Clothes ripping, animalistic growls, and then panting. Shit.

I was about to break into the forest, ready to lose the wolf on my tail when I accidentally placed my foot a little too close to my other as I ran, causing them to collide and send me sprawling to the grassy ground. Once I hit the ground, I knew it was done. My plan is over. I didn't bother trying to get back up as I knew he was already hot on my trail. The moment my body fell the the ground he was on top of me, restraining any movement whatsoever. I closed my eyes and breathed heavily, already winded from the run. His large paws were planted on either side of my body, my chest on the ground. He growled lowly and gripped my shirt in his jaws before lifting me up and forcefully nudging me back towards the house. I huffed while crossing my arms and angrily sauntered back to the house, going no faster than the speed of a slow walk just to get on his nerves. A couple of times he shoved me with his head and growled, urging me to pick up the pace, but I would just turn to glare at him before continuing at my own pace.

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