Chapter 10 - The Cracks Begin to Show

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Chapter 10

Alec's POV (Before he took her home from the field)

After the little cereal ordeal in the kitchen, Callum and I went to go play some xbox in his room. I don't know exactly how long we were playing, but it must have been long becauseI looked out the window to see the sun was already beginning to set, and I hadn't seen Amaya since this morning. Well, early afternoon. My guess is that she's probably with her no-good mate. I swear, if he didn't make her so happy I would've killed him by now. I had enough of an excuse, seeing as he was technically on our territory. I was tempted to bring up the matter with my father, but I know that Amaya would never forgive me.

"I'm gonna go see if I can find Amaya." I grunted while standing up.

"Good. Tell her I want a rematch from last time." He said, still absorbed in the game. I chuckled and walked out of the room and downstairs.

I could tell she wasn't in the house because I couldn't smell her presence so I walked outside and toward the treeline to see if I could find her. I took off my shorts and boxers and shifted before scooping up my clothes and taking off with her scent guiding me. I ran for about fifteen minutes before I came to a sall clearing with a stream running through. Instantly, her scent attacked my nose. She had definitely been here, along with that rogue. I grunted and turned right, following her scent downstream. By now it was nearing complete nightfall. The birds were no longer singing and the crickets and frogs were emerging to sing their nightly melodies. As I raced downriver, a feeling of dread grew stronger and stronger in my stomach. My wolf was telling me that something was wrong. I pushed harder and ran faster, avoiding obstacles that shrouded my path. Her scent was growing stronger and stronger with each running step I took, along with the rogue's scent. Although his scent wasn't as strong. At last, I came to an entrance to a large field. Instantly I could tell that something was terribly wrong. The rogue wasn't here, I could tell that much from his faded scent compared to her strong one. I ran forward through the tall grass and lept over a few half hidden rocks and over the stream that I had followed here. Her faint cries filled my ears and I self consciously let out a low growl from hearing the pain seeping out in her cries. He did this to her. I shifted back and dressed myself before walking forward until I seen her curled up the ground with her head down, crying into the soil. Instantly my heart throbbed at seeing her like this; so broken and helpless. I didn't say anything as I gently wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up bridal style. I didn't know exactly what to feel; sadness at seeing her like this, or rage at how that bastard made her like this.

"Shhh.. It's okay Amaya, it'll be okay..." I whispered to her while pulling her closer to my chest, some how fearing that she would fall apart if I didn't. She weakly wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face into my shoulder as I began to walk back to the pack house.

She cried silently into my shoulder while I walked out of the field and into the forest, heading home. I won't ask her exactly what happened yet, but once I do find out, I'll fucking kill him. I've never seen her so broken and vulnerable before; I've only seen her cry once and that was when she fell off her bike when she was little. Even then my heart sank when I seen tears prick her big blue eyes. I carried her, just like now, to the pack house to get a bandaid for her bleeding knee. But this was much different. This wasn't just physical pain, it was utter heartbreak.

She had fallen asleep sometime while I was deep in though, so when I reached the pack house I opened the back door as quietly as possible, trying not to wake her. I slowly walked upstairs and past Cal's open bedroom door, hoping he wouldn't make a commotion over this and wake her up. Right as I was passing by, he glanced up and his eyes widened. He jumped up but I gave him a pointed look to be quiet, so he quietly jogged over to me as we walked down the hall toward her bedroom.

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