Too good

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Dallas was hot. As I stepped out of the train station my skin began to itch. A light dusting of sweat came across my forehead. I could really use some water about now, and as I trudged down the road I couldn’t help picking at my finger nails.

It was a new habit that started when Ryan came around; I guess I never seemed to shake it off. I hadn’t been so pissed in awhile. As I spent an hour or so waiting for someone to pick me up I decided to call Aunt Lizzie. Her voice sound tired and drawn out. She certainly didn’t except a call from me. “Oh Mia!” she cried out “I forgot to remind Chris to pick you up! He’s sound asleep darling and I can’t take the car out. You remember the house right? Go ahead and walk, it’s good for you.”

And so I walked, even though it was three in the morning by that time, it was still hot, and I trudged dragging my toes into the ground. An occasional car zipped by paying me no attention. It was a four mile walk from the train station to Lizzie's rich neighborhood. It had been seven years since I was last here, and I got last far too many times. Your walking in circles Mia. So almost two hours later I finally pulled my feet up the steps. I was disgusting. My makeup had dripped down my face, my hair was loose and greasy, my skin oily and sweat filled.

I looked like I was mauled by a very angry bear. Well I certainly wasn’t going to impress anyone. With a heavy sigh I rang the door bell. It was flung open and my uncle quickly pulled me in the house. “What took you so long!” he snarled gripping my arm with supper strength.

“Is that Mia?” I heard a voice call. Chris’s arm dropped as he sent me a death glare. Well bud, you’re not the only one pissed about this arrangement!

“Oh Mia look how you’ve grown! My oh my look at this, you’ve sprouted!” she said pointing at my breasts. Leave it to my family to make everything awkward. “I kept all of your Bambi modeling photos, and others. I just loved the one you did for the prom dress line. I showed Luke’s new girl friend, and she just thought you were gorgeous! Her friends do to.” I had to hold back my laugh, Luke! A girl friend? As if!

Luke!” she bellowed down the hall and then they showed up. Luke really changed, he was still shorter than me, but his pizza face was gone! His hair was clean cut now and he no longer had those stupid t-shirts. He smiled at me and laughed. No doubt because of my appearance.

Vicky had changed way too much. Her used to be blonde hair was dyed a dark black and looked like it had been teased a thousand times too many. She had a giant lip piercing and was dressed like a hooker. Not that I had anything against hookers, or people with bad hair, but Vicky was supposed to be the shy pretty innocent girl. “Look how grown up Mia got!” she shouted in my ear. Luke stepped up taking my suitcase.

“She looks like she got hit by a bus.” Luke retorted, the whole family bursting out into giggles. I could feel my face turning red I was beyond pissed now.

“You know there was a point where I was passed by a bus. While walking. Because nobody could pick me up could they? Whatever, it dosnt even matter, I plan on getting out of here as soon as possible. This is the last place I want to be.” I hissed out grabbing my bags off the ground and taking long strides to the guest room.  I threw the bags down. Luke stepped in placing my bag down perfectly against the wall.

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