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I forgot how crazy waitressing was. Stepping inside the diner was a new experience. It had been fixed up, and there was a line out the door. I pushed past the line, people where really rude. As some shoved me or screamed in my face. I broke through the door only to be greeted by another sigh.

I continue pushing, all eyes are on me, and I suddenly feel extremely uncomfortable in the loose white sundress. It had ivy out line on the low-cut neck and the base. I had on matching green flip flops and wooden jewelry. My hair was in a ponytail, still curled from yesterday. I tugged at the hem, covering the fading bruise.

“Oh Mia!” the voice called, she was weaving her way through the crowd. “Thank god you’re here, get an apron and a menu, and well talk latter.”

“Alright!” she was already gone though and I was left facing the long crowd of unhappy customers. Slipping on a spare apron and walking to the front. When I previously worked at restraints I had always been the hostess. “You’re so pretty Lea, people relax around you.” And so I faced the waiting people in a line. I scanned the diner. Looking down at the dry erase board with the tables.

“Alright the Kingsely family of six?” I called out people shifted their gazes. No one moved. “Is the Kingsely family here?” I was greeted by silence. “Moving on. Party of Missy? Table for two?” About an hour into seating people Starley came running in.

“Oh Mia im so sorry im late. Go serve tables, I got this.” The first table I served was the Kingsley’s. A family who was not afraid to express their opinion.

“The fries where cold.” An elderly man states. The wife speaks up. “What’s the difference between the ranch burger and the west burger? I reach for the menu; the food had changed so much. No simple things, everything had a fancy name.

“Let me just cheek, it’s my first day…so I’m not really that familiar with the menu.” I flip open the menu scanning the burger section. I couldn’t find it though and as I opened my mouth to finally tell them what it is, the older woman spoke.

“It's obvious you’re new. Honestly how could someone be so idiotic?” The costumers here had no filter. They would say anything.

So I shouldn’t have been surprised when I came across Wes and Jared that they would have something to say.

“Mia! Hi.” Jared called me out from across the diner. As I looked over though my eyes connected with Wes’s. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I didn’t get it. He was Wes, I loved Ryan. You could never be sure though. And while walking over the words taunted her. It’s just because he’s looking at you. Being stared at makes any one nervous. You’re not attracted to Wes.

“Hi Jared, Wes.” He gave me a head nod, eyes going back to his phone. “Can I get you guys something to drink?” Jared eyes were bright; it seemed like he never stopped smiling.

“Orange juice and nothing for the lard over there.” He nodded his head towards Wes. Letting out a small giggle I turned away, and as I walked I could see Jared, shaking his head and mumbling. I came back and placed it in front of him.

“Know what you guys want yet?” they made eye contact for a split second. It was like a warning. You do this and I kill you.

“Two double choco chip stacks.” Jared stated never breaking eye contact with Wes. “Mia, what’s up with you and that guy, R something. Emma always talks about you guys?” my smile was down in an instant. He doesn’t know Mia. He doesn’t know. But it didn’t matter, he hurt me.

I sucked in a breath, gasping for air. I was in the middle of the sea; the salt water was lapping over me. And no matter how long I waited I couldn’t get up. Every time I reached the surface I was knocked back down again. The thing was I wasn’t sad about this.

I was furious.

I slammed the bic yellow notepad on the table stomping to the back door. “Jared!”I could hear Wes call.

Wes’s chair went flying back, as he side stepped everyone in his way.

I threw my apron on the counter, walking out the back door, eventually I found myself lost out back. It was an alley way, and smelled like dumpster. The sun was beating down on me, shining on the bruises, reflecting off my hair. And I stood there a frown etched on my face.

Wes found me standing there, I probably looked dead, my eyes held no emotion. He approached me, standing by my side.

“I’m really sorry Mia.” I turned scowling at him.

“NO you’re not!” I screeched a fresh round of tears spilling out her eyes. “You don’t care.” I screamed, punching him in the stomach. Wes was taken back; his posture stood still, this angered me farther though, I sent another punch. This continued. Wes shhhing me, I’m throwing punches, sobbing and yelling.

“You can’t get him back.” I whispered, breaking into another round of sobs as Wes drew me in.

I could feel myself drowning again. Each time I reached the surface being pushed under. Wes was trying to save me. He was a damaged boat himself. But I couldn’t get on board, because under the water was Ryan, so far down and out of my reach. I couldn’t get him without dying and it pained my heart.

Ryan wasn’t trying to get to me. He could be giving up for all I knew. Up on the surface though, was the boys and Starley. There was Emma and Julie to deal with. You can’t like Wes, Mia. A voice reminded me. Ryan would be broken.  So I swore, looking up through my tear stained vision this was the last time. I couldn’t get close with anyone.

It was easier this way. It was better and safer. And I had to; I couldn’t live without Ryan, no matter what he did. He was getting help, I could still visit him, and by the time I left for Europe we would be the happy couple again. Just like always.



Okay so I know this chapter might be little bit confusing. Basically (Just a quick re-cap) the next morning she goes to work at the diner. Blah. When she sees Wes and Jared and he asks about Ryan. It’s not an easy topic for her. So Wes is comforting her she’s upset. Then she promises herself she won’t get attached to anyone. For Ryan. Get it? Got it? Good.

If you don’t leave a comment and ill explain the certain part you want me too.

Anyone else curios about Ryan?

Or Wes?

by the way if your reading this, can you just comment and tell me if it came out weird. as im posting this some of this is blue or green? i honestly have no idea.

sorry for any mistakes :) <3

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