This isnt a fairytale

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It may have been around an hour when I finally pulled myself off of Wes. I couldn’t let this happen again I needed to leave. So I took off. My feet slapping the pavement each time I took a step. My dress was lifting, my pony tail coming extremely loose.

“Mia!” Wes called. But I didn’t look back. I just kept going. Pumping my legs taking longer strides. I had to get away from him. From everyone, no one would ever understand. I didn’t have time to get everyone to agree with me. I just needed to go, and go fast.

I sprinted past the diner, my hair tie completely gone. And then, so was my shoe. It all came way to fast, the ground I mean. It was not a fairytale like event. Nothing slowed down, I didn’t stumble and keep going. And there sure as hell was no prince charming to catch me.

So I fell. My hands flying out in front of me as I let out a loud screech. My legs where in the air, my hands connected with the gravel. I slid, rock cutting up my feet. Then, Splat! My face hit the ground.

At first I just sat there, my eyes pinched tight. Nice Mia, just great. I slowly moved my body parts. Legs? Fine, nose, not broken , but it was pretty bloody. Hands looked like they went through a meat grinder? Triple check.

“Mia!” Wes was kneeling next to me, his hand on the small of my back. “Holy shit! What happened!” He lifted me up onto his lap. Taking my hands he cringed, sucking in a breath. He took off his maroon shirt, wrapping it around my hands. I whimpered, the contact with my skin was really starting to burn. He looked up.

“Mia.”  He whispered, touching my cheek. “I think we might need to call for a doctor. Your really bloody.”

“No!” I shouted. But I’m not sure what it sounded like, since I was spitting out the blood that was in my mouth. He stood, up Wes truly was handsome. His brown eyes contracted with his tan skin, peeling at his chin from a sunburn. His Black hair was messy around his head, some pieces longer than others. The sun was shining behind him, making him glow. The white under armor shirt he had on underneath his shirt defined some serious muscle. Wes was a charmer, no doubt, but he didn’t seem like a player. If anything, a bit of a loner.

He lifted me up, bridal style. I was so sure though, that it looked nothing romantic. My face was a bloody mess, and I was constantly spitting out blood onto my dress. My hands where wrapped in his shirt, and his white undershirt was stained red from my face against his chest.

“Look I’ll take you to my house. Fix up your hands, put some pressure on your nose. But. If your nose doesn’t stop bleeding with in twenty minutes of applying pressure, were going to the emergency room.” I didn’t reply, there was no need to Wes was going to do whatever the hell he wanted to.

As we walked down the road, cars would sometimes slow down. Wes would smile, act like we were laughing and shield our bloody figures. As we walked into the neighborhood, it seemed deserted. No lights where on, everything was quiet. You could hear Wes’ footsteps echo around us. We rounded the corner to be met with a busy party.

It was at Emma’s and it seemed as though the whole town was there. “We’ll go around the back.” Was mumbled. I could see why. Would people panic if they saw my bloody face and hands, Wes’ bloody shirt? It looked like a murder scene for crying out loud! We walked in the shadows, looking sketchy as we could. No one saw us though, and Elton John encompassed us as we walked.

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