Music and modeling

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It was a weird feeling, sitting on Wes’s bed looking at the pictures as he talked downstairs. I felt cold and lost. I really shouldn’t be here, I should be on my way to visit Ryan.

After I had told Wes my story he had hugged me while I fought back tears. Let’s go he had whispered in my ear, taking my hand and dragging me to the car. He had mumbled things about how I shouldn’t love him anymore, how he was no good for me.

“Mia?” Wes stood in the doorway, and yet again I was stunned by his boy beauty. It was the weirdest thing, I shouldn’t have had any attraction to him, but in a way I did. It was strictly in a friendly way, an I want to find out everything about you way.

Deep down I knew it was more, but I kept it tucked away. “I can’t let you go, I’m really sorry, but I just.” I shot up off the bed, I was fuming mad.

“Wes I don’t think you get it! I have to see him! This would be the first time I didn’t go visit. And I would have to wait to more weeks!” I probably looked like a mad women, here screaming with Wes but he couldn’t take this away.

“Mia I’m really sorry, I can’t though!” I let out a frustrated sigh, grabbing my phone off the bed.

“He’ll be so mad at me. I just can’t believe you right now.” It stung that he was my only ride and I knew Ryan would be furious, but it didn’t matter. I turned on my phone for the first time since I got here, walking past Jared and bumping Emma’s shoulder on the way out.

It wouldn’t stop buzzing as more and more text messages streamed in. When it finally did I opened one of the texts.

Bambi: Amelia, the shoots in four days, ill need you to call me, it’s going to be a different kind of shoot.

Bambi: Amelia it’s important that you call us right away.

Bambi: I swear Amelia, if you don’t call me right now I’m going to get really pissed.

Bambi: Amelia Jane Blackstone! Get your ass out of pity vile and call. Me.

Bambi: AMELIA!!!!!NOW!!!!   

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I quickly grabbed my phone to call Bambi, dialing the number and waiting to be transferred, when Starley ran in.


“Amelia! When I get my hands on you your sooooo dead. What the hell?” I put my hand up to shhh Starley while I talked to Bambi.

“Listen Bambi m reallllyyyy sorry. I’ve been kind of busy. I’ll make it to the shoot, but what’s going to be different?” I clicked the speaker phone as Starley starred with her mouth open. Her eyes were sparkling, ' I’ll drive you’ she mouthed.

“Amelia, it was an idea the producers and I came up, and if you’re not comfortable with it I understand and we can do something different, and we have a new male model, Noah, who’s completely okay with it.”

Perfecting AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now