Chapter 2

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"Mush. Do you know where Race's house is?" Spot asked, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"I'm pretty sure I can find his house," Mush answered.

"Ok, let's go and get him then," Spot said, standing from his bed. Spot looked like his usual composed self on the outside, but on the inside was a different story. Race, the boy who Spot loved, was taken. He had a whole family that Spot didn't know about. Spot had already decided when he gets his Race back; they will have a conversation about all of this.

The group of boys walked out onto the pier. Spot stepped up onto one of the crates with Mush and Jack behind him. All of the Brooklyn newsies were in front of him. "Everyone quiet down!" Spot yelled as all of the newsies was attention was pulled to the small child standing on a box, "Recently, a newsie who is shared between Manhattan and us has been kidnapped."

"Race?" Spot's second Sax asked.

"Yes, Race has been kidnapped, he is being held in Queens, and I need people to go help me and Manhattan retrieve him," Spot explained, "Sax you're coming, Fox and Tail you two as well and Vent. Coin, you are in charge till I get back."

Sax was a boy with black hair who stood at least a head taller than Spot. Fox and Tail were a set of twins with bright red hair, and the only way to tell them apart was Tails had a foxtail hanging on the side of his pants. And then there was Vent, a blonde boy who was a little taller the Sax but was very lean while Sax had significant muscles.

The group of boys led by Jack headed across the bridge and into Manhattan to the lodge there. The group went in the doors as Jack whistled and walked into a room. He grabbed the attention of all the newsies who were sat around the room.

"Did you find him?" Crutchie asked from the counter of the small kitchen he was sitting on.

"Not yet, Crutch," Jack said, "Albert, JoJo, Buttons, Romeo, Skittery, Blink, and Finch, come with me, you too, Mush. We're gonna go get back that betting scoundrel if it's the last thing I do."

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