Chapter 14

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"Anyone home," Davey called, opening the door to his best friend's apartment.

"Ya, we're all here," Jack called from the living room

Davey led Anthony down the hallway. "Stay here," Davey said, just short of the door to the living room. Davey walked into the room to see all of the boys scattered around the room. "I have someone I want you guys to meet."

"A lady friend?" Albert called from the back of the couch he lounged on top of.

"Keep dreaming, Albert," Sax laughed from the floor where he was sat in between Vent's legs leaning on his chest.

"Someone to buys Jack's artwork?" Spot said from the chair.

"I take offense to that," Jack said.

"Maybe, Jack. He might," Davey said, getting the attention of all the boys in the room." You can come out now."

Anthony stepped into the doorway as shock fell over everyone's face except for Davey. The latter was trying to suppress his laughter.

Spot didn't know where to look, at Race, the boy that after all these years he still loved or the small boy in Race's arms who was almost a mirror image of the grown man.

"Dad, who are these people?" Gabriel asked in Anthony's arms.

"Gabriel, these are friends. Remember all the stories I've told you about the boys who sold the papers," Anthony said, letting his vision shift from his son to his friends and back again. Gabriel nodded his head, remembering all the stories of great adventures his father had told him. "Gabe, those stories were about my friends."

Anthony stood Gabriel on the floor while squatting down beside Gabe. "That one there on the couch is Jack," Anthony explained, pointing at Jack.

"He's the cowboy, ain't he?" Gabriel asked. Jack couldn't help let out a laugh at the thought of all the crazy stories Race had filled this little boy's head with.

"Ya he is, and that's Crutchie and Albert," Anthony explained, pointing at the two boys who were also on the couch. "And those two on the floor over there that's Sax and Vent."

"They love each other, don't they?" Gabriel questioned, pointing at the duo.

"Very much, and then there's old Spotty-boy," Anthony couldn't help smiling at the Brooklyn boy.

"But Spot's a dog's name," Gabriel said, causing the room to laugh.

"And the man who brought us here, his name is Davey," Anthony said, pointing to Davey.

"The walking mouth?" Gabriel said, making a mouth with his hand.

"Yes, Gabe, the walking mouth," Anthony laughed. "Am I forget anybody?"

"Racetrack," Gabriel laughed excited, "But daddy, Davey called you Race. Does that mean you were in all the stories?"

"Ya, Gabe. I was in all the stories," Anthony laughed.

"But why do Aunt Annabelle and Uncle Jonathan call you Anthony?" Gabe asked his dad inquisitively.

"Racetrack is just my nickname, silly. Just like yours is Gabe, mine is Anth or Racetrack," Anthony laughed, running his hand through his son's curls.

"But in the stories, Race loved Spot and Spot loved Race. Dad, do you love Spot." Sometimes Anthony hated how smart his son was. Anthony quickly looked up at Spot.

"Of course, I do, Gabriel," Anthony said.

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