Chapter 10

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"Racetrack!" Specs yelled as soon as Race walked into the front doors of the Manhattan lodge. Pulling the attention of all the Manhattan boys onto him. Pretty soon, Race found himself on the bottom of a 'Hattan pile.

"Ok, guys, let's let Race breathe a little," Jack laughed from the beaten-up couch him, and Crutchie was sat on. Race laughed as Mush pulled him on his feet.

"We got you something," Crutchie yelled. Race walked behind the couch and leaned over it, so his head was between Jack and Crutch's. Race's eyes lit up with surprise as Jack held up a Corona Cigar.

Race quickly snatched it from Jack. "Where did you get this."

"Turns out when you have a face like Les's, you can get almost anything you want, including cigars," Specs laughed from the doorway where he was standing.

The Race quickly stuffed it between his teeth. "If you light that thing in here, I'm sending you back to Brooklyn," Jack warned.

Race laughed, pulling the cigar out of his mouth. "Ya and who would run 'Hattan when you run off to Santa Fe, Jackie."

"Davey would," Jack said confidently, causing the whole room to burst into laughter.

"Mouth can't even control his little brother, let alone run Manhattan. If we're serious here," Albert laughed while sitting on the counter of the small kitchen in the lodge.

"Mouth?" Race asked, looking confused.

"You never heard Spot call him that?" Crutchie said, looking at Race.

"Crutch, let's be serious here. There ain't much talkin' going on when Race and Spotty-boy get together," Albert joked.

Almost all of Manhattan knew about Spot and Race. They loved to make fun of Race around the lodge, but as soon as they saw the other half of the pair, the half from Brooklyn, no one knew anything.

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