The first recruits

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Percy POV

The mood was sullen around the place as I finished my story. He looked shocked and didn't know what to say. I clapped my hands loudly to clear the awkwardness in the air. Once I had his intention we began discussing who we should recruit. I had three people in mind who had all fought in both wars. They were some of the only people still loyal to me. There was just one problem I didn't know how to reach them or even what had happened to them.

We tried to ask Hestia and Hades bit they both said in order for this idea to work we must find a way to get information with limited resources. I decided our best option was to find a river and get information from the fishes. Jeff also suggested we asked dryads that lived in the forest. I wasn't sure if they were still loyal to me or not and didn't want to find out. So as I went to the river to talk to fishes he went to talk with some trees.

We met up half an hour later back at the fire and he gestured for me to start. I told him what the fish had told me about camp and the fact that Nico was there not allowed to leave. He started speaking next. He told me that the dryad had mentioned most nature creatures of nature still respected me. Apparently this was because I had a friend on the council of cloven elders. I was ecstatic at the fact that Grover was alive and still loyal to me.

That happiness got slightly blocked by worry as he told me he had told the dryad to send a message to grover as fast as possible. Grover would be here by Tomorrow then we would find out what had happened with Thalia as no one but Grover seemed to have answers.

Time skip
Jeff POV

When I awoke the next morning I heard noise outside my tent. I recognized Percy's voice so I unsheathed my dagger as I crawled out the tent. Percy was sitting at the fire chatting with who must've been the satyr if the horns and goat legs were anything to go by.

I sheathed my dagger deciding it was safe and went to grab some breakfast. All three of us sat around the fire eating. Percy then asked Grover what had happened to Thalia.

The situation with Thalia was almost exactly the same as the one with Nico. She was with the hunt under constant watch and unable to leave. The hunters were actually quite close and would be just 15km away when they arrived in 5 hours. Grover had found out about where they were planning on camping as apparently he had sent three of his most loyal servants to spy on the hunters. He had sent them there to ensure Thalia stayed safe.

We decided since the hunters would be so close we would break Thalia out then go find Nico. Grover drew up a map of the area the hunters would camp and we made a plan.
We planned on Grover causing a distraction. While the hunters were distracted we would shadow travel as far towards New York as possible. Where Grover would meet up with us.

Time skip
Thalia POV

I was barely concise and being carried to where the hunt would camp. I wasn't allowed to leave the hunt as they knew I would meet up with the other 3 people who supported and were still loyal to Percy. They had to drug me and carry me when we traveled as I had tried to escape multiple times.

Right now I wasn't fighting though as Grover's servants told me something big was going to go down. They didn't say whether it was good or bad. I wasn't even sure what to be ready for as it could be a fight coming or someone was going to help break me out.

We had set up camp and I was in what I called the prison tent when I heard a huge noise coming from far away. It sounded like a really lit party was going down in the forest. My mind started thinking that perhaps this was a distraction. If so it worked really well as 75% o the hunters went to go check it out. A few minutes later I heard metal clashing against metal. The sounds died down and some guy in fancy armour and a cloak walked in. His sword was coated in flames.

He cut the chains holding me including the power jammer. He spoke in a voice that sounded extremely familiar. Before I could question it a second guy walked in and warned us we hadn't much time till the hunters got back. They reached grabbed one of my hands and ran straight towards the side of the tent.

I thought we would crash straight through the side of the tent but was shocked when we just kept moving our feet only touching the ground every now and then. I realized they were shadow hopping a trick Nico had showed me where he could jump from shadow to shadow. This apparently let you travel further using half the amount of energy.

When we stopped we were in a forest that felt familiar but I realized I had been kidnapped. With that thought in mind I charged my hand with electricity. I spun around hoping to knock the first guy out. I had almost landed the punch when he suddenly blocked my punch

The second guy laughed and said "I thought you were friends" he pulled off his hood. He introduced himself as Jeff then punched the other guy telling him to be polite.

" I'm offended you didn't recognize me. I mean it's only been 5 years pineconeface." He pulled down his hood to reveal a smirking Percy. I stepped back in shock processing what I had been told.

I was overcome with emotions and crash into him like a bullet train. For the next five minutes I alternated between hugging him and beating the shit out of him.

There were two bright flashes and I spun around to fight them as I wasn't going to lose him again. I felt a hand On my shoulder and Percy told me to relax. He greeted the two gods.

We waited a bit till Grover arrived so Percy only had to explain once. When Grover got there he explained everything to us from when he left camp to rescuing me. He then asked if we wanted to join the Flames of Death.

We both obviously agreed and got some awesome armour and really cool powers. We were all really tired so we sat around afire eating dinner while Grover explained how he tricked the hunters. Percy volunteered for first watch so the rest of us went off to sleep.

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