The camp

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Jeff POV

Percy had woken me up 5 minutes ago to take second watch and I was really bored. I was messing around with my powers when I heard some things running towards us. I unsheathed my daggers and lit coated them in a fire that didn't do any damage but looked really cool.

Then 2 kids no more than 11 or 12 that looked exactly the same. The only difference was there genders. The boy must have of been injured as the girl had his one arm over her shoulder. She saw me and immediately paled thinking I was going to hurt her. I convinced them to stand behind me and got in position just as a huge cyclops broke through the tree line. Before it even had time to look around I lunged at the monster and put one of my daggers in its knee. It immediately fell to one knee and brought it's fist down to crush me but I simply jumped out of the way then with speed I ran and climbed straight it's arm. Once on the shoulder I slit the throat in one swift movement. As the monster was dissolving I ran down it's body and did a perfect superhero landing as the Cyclops exploded into golden dust.

Once it was dead I collected my daggers and turned my attention to the two kids who were still looking at me awe.
As I looked at them I took in there features. They were about average height for there age with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. In there eyes you would have spotted the mischievous from 1km away.

I got them to sit down around the fire while I healed them and they told me there names were Cassandra and Bobby. I woke up Percy to see what we were going to do with them as I assumed they were demigods.

According to Percy they looked like children of Hermes. We discussed it a bit and decided to offer them a chance to join us because they could be very useful considering no one here was technically allowed into either of the camps.

They accepted our offer and we did the initiations. They each got there own sets of armour. Bobby got twin swords and Cassandra got a bow with a never ending quiver of arrows, she also got a dagger for close range defense.

We set them up so they could sleep and I woke up grover for the next shift and explained what had happened then went back to sleep.

Percy POV

I woke up to the smell of something cooking and was surprised to see Bobby cooking a meal out of meat Thalia had hunted. It smelt really good and pretty soon we were all sitting around a fire eating a delicious breakfast.

We had decided to go get Nico after lunch so we could train during the morning. Turned out the kids were naturals with there weapons so we went on to power training. We focused on there demigod abilities as Hades and Hestia would only bless those who had proved themselves.

They were really good at sneaking around and Jeff taught them some camouflaging skills till it was almost impossible to notice or find them. After a quick lunch we set off for camp halfblood which was only 30 minutes away. Bobby and Cassandra snuck in considering they were the only ones allowed in.

Nico POV

I had expected today to be like any other day I wasn't expecting to be kidnapped by twelve year olds. I was walking back to my cabin after lunch where they had announced that Thalia had run away and should be killed on sight. I almost killed the stupid wine god when he said this but Chiron shook his head telling me not to.

Chiron being the only reason Percy wasn't crucified in the center of camp I respected him. After eating a little I got up and was almost at my cabin when I saw something in the forest.

I walked to the tree where the noise had came from. When I hot there I couldn't see what it was. I knew I should just go back to my cabin but suddenly there was something put over my mouth and I was shoved into a sack.

I tried to scream but couldn't. I listened carefully when I heard voices. A guy asked the people why they had kidnapped me. The 2 12 year old kids said I was being followed so they made it look like a kidnapping.

My sack was opened and I saw Thalia. She indicated for me to be quiet and helped me up. Only when I got up did I notice the other 5 people there. There were the twins who had kidnapped me. Then some guy I had never seen before and Grover.

The last guy I saw made me check three times and rub my eyes. I looked and there he was Percy Jackson the guy who was like a brother to me and the one I thought I would never see again.

We embraced when the guy who was introduced as Jeff told us that we should leave or else we would have company soon. They told me a location then Percy and Jeff each grabbed a twin and they all vanished leaving me alone. Choosing to question it later I shadow traveled to the location they had given me.

They were camping out in a forest. They explained everything to me and I joined there group. A question occurred to me though. If my dad was the god of wealth why and one of there patrons why didn't just get him to buy us a mansion to use as the base of operations.

Percy thought this over then began praying. With in the next hour we were in a huge mansion near the city and forest for training purposes. We designed our new house and began setting up rooms any built a training course in the huge basement. The mansion was huge and we all were given a map of the mansion so we didn't get lost.

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