Return to civilization

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Early the next morning we sailed from the island and were going straight into the storm. Percy told me to keep steering as our ship was almost destroyed by multiple huge waves but stopped when Percy flicked his wrist. Not only did he stop those wave but the part of the storm we were sailing opened up like a tunnel letting our ship pass through.

We made it to Canada in under 5 hours even though it was estimated to be a 5 day journey. When we arrived at the shores of Canada there were three people waiting to meet us. The 25 year old men and 8 year old girl were all gathered around a fire. Even though they looked this age I could tell by there aura's that they were much older and much more powerful then just a look would give it away.

As we arrived the three people walked up to greet us (mainly Percy as they seemed a bit surprised to see me there). Percy hugged the young girl and a man that looked like an older version of him. He shook hands with the second guy there who was extremely pale. They introduced themselves as Poseidon, Hades and Hestia.

Percy spoke briefly with his father in hushed tones. This ended when Poseidon said he had things to do then just disappeared. Percy came over and and told Hestia and Hades that they need to talk.

It was already 12 a.m when I checked which led me to realize I had been on my feet for almost 6 hours straight. I sat down on a log and sat down to relax for a bit.

Percy POV:
6 hours earlier

I'll admit it, I was nervous. I should of seen this coming and I tried to prepare myself but I haven't left this island for almost 5 years. If I had the choice I would stay here till I die. Now even though I still look 18 I'm actually much older, you see I was 'given' ( forced to accept) partial immortality before I 'left' (betrayed, stabbed in the back and thrown out being told to never return). Luckily since I had 'accepted' the partial immortality the council agreed to give Hades and Hestia thrones on the Olympian council.

This was another reason for me to be nervous though as I knew I needed them for what I had in mind. The thing I was most worried about though was seeing my father. I know he misses me. He didn't do anything to me (unlike others), in fact he actually offered me multiple ways out and set this island up for me with help from Hades.

I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind as we set sail. As we sailed I willed the waves to let us go faster so the journey would go faster. When we arrived at the shores of Canada five hours later I wasn't surprised to see the three immortals hurling around a fire.

I hoped off the ship and gave my dad and Hestia each a hug then just shook hands with Hades. My dad tapped me on the shoulder and motioned for me to follow him. We walked along the shore for a while until we were out of earshot of the other three. My dad then turned and started telling me how much he missed he missed me and how worried he was.

I pulled him into a hug and told him I was okay. We spoke about what had happened over the last few years for the next 5 or so minutes when he had to leave as there was a problem in the forges. I turned and walked back to the others. Now for the hard part.

Asking Hades and Hestia if they would help me and my new friend. We all sat around the fire and Hestia summoned lunch for us. I looked them both in the eyes debating how I should ask them.

Deciding to just go for it I swallowed the nervousness and began to explain my idea. I started off by telling them how I still wanted to help people who needed it then slowly progressing until I got to the main subject. You see my idea was to create a group of demigods and mortals (similar to the hunters of Artemis) where we would go out and help anyone in danger and give people a family. When I had finished they told it was a great idea but I would need a patron. That's when I realized I had left out the most important part of that speech, asking them to be my patrons.

They both agreed to do it as we started discussing some of the finer details of this. Like the name and armour. We decided the name would be flames of death and the armour was pitch black stygian iron with lines of life like flame traveling up it. Jeff (the guy who washed up on my island) and I were going to be the leaders with me running the demigod side and him running the mortal side. We each got a black cape that set on fire (like something from the hunger games) when we willed it to.

Hades and Hestia blessed us both. Me more then Jeff as he was mortal and would've exploded if he received much more power. My demigod blood and my current power level as well as the partial immortality helped me receive both of their full blessing.

We both put on our armour while I sheathed riptide to my waste in sword form (of course it looked much different now as it was a fiery red with black flames reaching up the blade like they were waiting to collect the souls of my victims) Jeff got twin hunting knives that were the same colour as riptide. The knives were sharp and elegant.

We set up a campsite as it was beginning to get dark. We sat around the fire eating when he asked a question on a topic I knew would eventually come up. When he asked about my story and if there were other demigods where did they go to be safe and why am I not there with people similar to me.

So I decided it was time to tell him my story. Tomorrow as right now I was very tired and he had first shift on guard duty.

A/N: The next chapter is probably going to be a cliché over used betrayal backstory but I will do my best to make it interesting

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