Story time

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I had been stranded on this island for almost a month now and Percy and I were practically best friends by now. We had built an extra room onto the house which was where I slept. We would constantly pull pranks on each other like for instance when he had made a mixture with animal shit and water then woke me up by throwing it all over me. I couldn't get the smell off for a week. At least I got him back by putting a skunk in his bed. He had to sleep on the couch for up to 2 weeks after that while waiting for the smell to improve.

Today started out like most of the other days with us eating breakfast then doing some repairs to a section of the dinning room wall that looked like a huge dog had run into it.

Just as we had finished doing the repairs I heard loud noises coming from the forest straight towards us. The thing that was making all that noise finally broke through the tree line.

It was the strangest thing I had ever seen, almost three times my height and looked like it only had one big eye in the middle of it's head.

I looked over to Percy since he had been here longer than me but he looked both worried and mildly irritated like this huge creature was a fly that wouldn't leave him alone.

What happened next both shocked an amazed me. He pulled out a pen and when he flicked off the lid a beautiful and elegant bronze sword was in his hands instead of the pen.

Without a moments hesitation as if he had done this a million times before he charged straight at the creature. The creature actually looked scared when he saw this.

It was a pretty short fight as Percy had slid between the monsters leg and cut halfway through the fleshy part at the back of the knee. Once he had brought the strange creature down to one knee he casually jumped up and lopped the things head in one swift motion. The creature exploded into golden dust.

Percy dusted himself off and recapped his sword as he walked towards me. I only now realized that the creature looked exactly like one I had seen three kids fighting a few months.

I decided to tell Percy about seeing these creatures as he might be the only person I've ever met who would be able to even give me a hint about what I was seeing. Maybe even a full explanation if I was lucky. When Percy got back to where I was standing I asked him about it and he instantly paled.

He lead me into the house and we sat opposite each other. When he started talking his voice was grave like he was about to tell me that someone had died. The question he asked confused me even more.

He looked straight at me and with a very serious tone asked me if I had ever heard of Greek mythology. I nodded my head as I knew a few things about Greek mythology. What he said next made me glad I was already sitting or else I probably would've fainted. He told me that Greek gods still existed. My first reactions were to doubt him then laugh thinking it was a joke but as I thought about it, it started making more and more sense sounding more and more possible.

He gave me time to process this information then continued explaining what I had just figured out in my head that since the gods still existed so would demigods and in turn monsters. He must of realized that I worked this all out in my head as when he told me he was a demigod I wasn't even shocked.

I was however shocked when he told me that he was a son of Poseidon one of the most powerful gods. What he said next made me smile a bit as he said it was time he returned to the world. He said we would leave in a month because I would need a weapon and some intense training if I was gonna go with him.

My weapon of choice was a perfectly waited bow staff with slight spikes of both what I learnt to be the godly metal celestial bronze and steel so I could injure both mortals and monsters.

Time skip

After a month of the most intense training I had ever gone through I was finally ready to test my skills in the out side world. As part of my training I had to carry wood almost 5km from the forest to the beach. Using that would I built a strong and sturdy ship which we would use to sail to Canada. We decided to start our plan from Canada as it was right near the end of the gods influence but still close enough to America.

Our plan was to rescue both mortals and demigods who were in trouble. If it was a demigod we offer them a place to join us and help us rescue people around the world if they did not want this they could then go to one of the camps or the hunters of Artemis depending on the circumstance. If it was a mortal however we would give them a chance to help us or just manipulate the mist to make the mortal forget he had ever met us.

I had suggested that we should probably get a patron for our group and to this Percy had said that he would call in some favours from some of the people still loyal to him.

I went to sleep extremely happy and sad at the same time that. Happy that I could see my sister again but sad because I had grown attached to this island and I would miss it here. Fortunately we would be coming back as we planned on using the island for training purposes.

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