Prophecy and meetings

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Artemis POV

To say I was pissed would be an understatement. This man had first helped Thalia and Nico both liabilities to Olympus escape. He's attacked my hunters twice and father is breathing down my neck wanting me to find the missing demigods, find out who this person is and track down that Jackson boy.

Father was going to throw a fit now as the man was even more powerful then we thought. Add that to the fact I suspect his partners were the missing demigods. Well this was gonna be one long council meeting. I had ordered the huntresses to find how they had gotten so many kids out and to track them down.

Deciding to just get it over with I flashed to Olympus. I took my time walking to the throne saving the temporary peace I had. I arrived way too quickly though. I walked through the majestic doors and fired three silver arrows into the sky to summon a council meeting.

The scene would of been comical if the situation wasn't so urgent. Apollo and Hermes looked like they were partying and majority of the council was in pajamas looking half asleep.

Poseidon being the only one who actually seemed awake dumped water on most of the gods and goddesses heads. That water must of been cold as they all woke with shrieks. Ares let out a girlish scream that I had at first assumed came from Aphrodite.

I nodded my thanks to Poseidon who just ignored me as he was lost in thought. I began explaining to the council how I had found the factory when following a lead but the factory was practically empty except for the three people. They saw me and turned to go the other way. I told them everything that had happened. Athena had a notepad out and was scribbling furiously. She must be frustrated, she always did hate the unknown.

When I and finished the story Zeus said " so where are these people now" he did not like the fact I had three people who could give me answers and I had let them get away.

He was about to continue his rant when something that hadn't happened since Apollo first became the god of prophecy. Black mist started shrouding him and an old ancient voice spoke through him to deliver what could of possibly been our death sentence. The next great prophecy:

The primordial council shall rise once more
Split in two by the good and the bad
Sides shall be chosen and allies made
But only one side shall win the day
The final war to ever be fought
As demigods and mortals stand as one
The betrayed hero holds the key
He alone shall decide
As the fate of the world is
On his shoulders one last time.

Unfortunately this only left us with more questions and half the council looking ready to pee themselves. I even had to admit I was scared. The entire primordial council was rising and that boy would decide who won or lost.

The room was in complete chaos with everybody shouting ideas and accusations. Silently I excused myself and when to go warn my hunters to be on an even higher guard.

Annabeth POV

I was famous! Plus I had gotten rid of that idiot Jackson. Guy actually thought I loved him. It was sad really I mean how blind do you have to be to not see something right under your nose.

I was really tired though as I had being in and out of meetings all day. We were trying to find a way to track down Nico, Thalia and Reyna who were all missing.

The fact that they were all loyal to Percy and the odd timing did make me suspicious. I had brought up in most meetings how I suspected he probably has something to do with it.

Of course for most of them Percy was a touchy subject after he 'betrayed' us. The fact that his fatal flaw was loyalty didn't even seem to dawn in there heads.

We were about to start another meeting when the door blew open and Rachel flew in. Her eyes pure white and her entire body shrouded in black mist. An ancient voice spoke and said:

The primordial council shall rise once more
Split in two by the good and the bad
Sides shall be chosen and allies made
But only one side shall win the day
The final war to ever be fought
As demigods and mortals stand as one
The betrayed hero holds the key
He alone shall decide
As the fate of the world is
On his shoulders one last time.

This was bad. The earth could very well be ripped apart if only to primordials fight the entire council fighting each other would most likely destroy the solar system.

I took a few deep breathes and did what I do best, I made a plan...

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