Chapter 1

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Warning: This story has a lot of changes in p.o.v.s. Just keep reading and you will understand whats going on. :)

Chapter 1~ The beginning

Jasmine's p.o.v.

I run into the house feeling its presence behind me. But i am tired. Tired of running all the time, tired of fearing every day and tired of being alone.

Once i am inside, I lock the door and run to the nursery. I run toward the crib and grip the bars. My beautiful baby is fast asleep, her tiny hands in fists and her little head resting on her tiny pillow. I start to cry and then i whisper," peace will be with you child..." I grab a small knife and engrave a symbol on her tiny shoulder. The baby awakens and begins to cry, i kiss her little cheek," I love you my little Esther...may darkness never harm you."

I take my necklace off of me and i open the locket. I breath into it all of my power then i seal it. I put it on Esther and cry as i make eye contact with her blue eyes. " I love you my daughter."

I fall to the ground and i feel its presence behind me then suddenly darkness overcomes me.

17 years later

Esther's p.o.v

I was a baby when my mom died.  I have been raised by my grandmother who is now 64 years old. She has guided me through the years and i am grateful to have her all this time. Today is my birthday, but unlike any other teenager I am not excited about it. See, my life here in Washington wasnt at all fun. I went to Ridgewood High school and i only had two friends, Katherine and Ravenna. Most people in town didnt really talk to me for reasons unknown.

Katherine has brown hair and brown eyes, Revena has blonde hair with green eyes and i had long brown hair with blue eyes. I guess i can try to understand why people dont really talk to me. My hair was a mystery. Everyday i woke up my hair was light brown, but when i went into the sun my hair looked almost red. Some people even said that my hair sometimes looked blonde. I honestly hated my hair and i knew other girls did too. But Ravenna always rolled her eyes everytime i told her-

"Thats called jealousy! Their jealous because they cant get their boy friends to look at them like they look at you."

I would frown and shake my head. It was impossible to be jealous of me.

Today was a normal day at school except it was my birthday. I didnt really want anyone to know it was my birthday, but knowing Ravenna it wouldnt stay a secret for long.

I park my car in the school parking lot and i open the doors to hell. Another day at Ridgewood High.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ESTHER!!!!" Ravenna and Katherine scream in my face. I flinch and put a hand to my heart,"oh my scared the crap out of me."

They laugh and i smile. My friends were more than friends. They were my best friends.

I walk to my locker and find it decorated with balloons and streamers. I laugh and my best friends smile proudly. "You deserve the best birthday ever." I hug them tightly. "Thank you."

Katherine kisses my cheek and giggles,"Its only the beginning of the best day of your life!" I blush shaking my head. Then i open my locker and grab my books, "Come on guys we dont wanna be late for class."

"Alright i'll see you guys later!" Ravenna waves at us and then she runs over to her boy friend Jake.

He wasnt the best to Ravenna. I have always disapproved him and so has Katherine. He was a player and a cheater. I vowed one day Ravenna would notice it too.

"I'll see you later Esther." Katherine smiles at me sadly. I knew she was watching them too. I nod and she walks off still eyeing the happy couple. I look over at Jake again. His brown hair was swept up, his jawline was sharp and his eyes are the color of deep brown. He smiles at Ravenna and kisses her lightly. She giggles like a 5 year old about to open the first Christmas present.

I sigh as i hear the warning bell. I run down the hall to my first period. History.

I take a seat in the front since there is no seats left. Of couse i start to hear whispering and giggling. Probably gossiping about me. I groan. Dont they have something better to do than talk about me?

After school, I drive back home listening to Gym class hero's the song, "Fighter." I press replay whenever it ended since i have grown fond of it and finally i reach home. My grandmothers house is made out of bricks with a lot of windows, three stories high with a long winding stair case and a library.

I unlock the door and walk into the house. "Grandma im home!" She walks out of the kitchen with an apron tied around her waist. "Hello Esther, how was school today?" I frown and she laughs.

"I know! I know! Never a good day at school!"

"Phew! Im glad you agree!" i jog up stairs and she calls after me," Well i hope your party cheers you up!"

I walk into my room and toss my backpack on the floor. My room had a huge window with a view of the woods and the mountains, my floor was wooden and my bed was creme colored. I even had my own bathroom. I curl the ends of my hair and put on a red dress about mid thigh. Then i put on some fake diamond earrings and of course i kept my mothers necklace.

I wore it everyday and everynight. I never took it off since it was the only thing close to my mom. I look at it and i shrug. Maybe i should wear a different necklace tonight. I take the necklace off and look at the beauty of it. It is heart shaped and silver with little hearts inside it too.

Suddenly i see a crack going around it. I stick my finger nail underneath and pull it open. Too my surprise, it opens easily.

But i didnt expect what happened next.

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