11 Ξ The Lesson (BWWM)

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Her eyes flashed open in the dark. 

Though it was warm, a coolness in the air left her questioning why it felt like her clothes were gone. The blankets were missing as Cole's scorching touch caressed her flesh. It wasn't until she realized there was a head bobbing between her thighs that she understood the true nature of what was taking place.

Cole's tongue explored every part of her flower as one finger slid between her petals and his tongue plucked at her swollen bud. The urge to resist him crossed her mind but what he was doing was so good that Angel craved more. A whisper in the back of her mind reminded her that she knew absolutely nothing about his previous sexual exploits. Angel's response to that thought was to scoot herself further back up the bed as she moved to cross her legs. 

A glance down at his face was met by the iciest cold blue daggers she had ever seen.

He stood up and walked to her side of the bed before turning on the lamp. The sight of him hovering over her left Angel petrified. Every mean, hateful and vulgar tattoo glared at her in an accusatory manner. What stood at attention before her face was longer and thicker than her mind had ever imagined. 

Angel frowned back at him after she saw that frightening thing leading her body to shudder out of shock.

"You started this. I was asleep when I woke up to you stroking me," Cole stated as he gestured to his manhood.

"What are you talking about?" She hurled the words at him as if he was insane.

"I woke up, and your hand was on my dick," his voice was full of irritation as he just stood there swollen like it was ready to burst.

"I don't remember doing that. That wasn't my intention," Angel stuttered as she acknowledged that she too was naked. She grabbed a blanket to cover herself, but Cole reached over and blocked her from it. He pulled her close. She saw no logic or reasoning in him. Eyes filled with raw desire took her prisoner. She tried to resist him, but his firm hands swiftly overcame hers.

"Are you gonna rape me?"

"Hell, no. You're the one who decided to play around with me. So now, you want to pretend like you did nothing." His blue eyes sent a chill down her back.

"It's not like that. I can't remember touching you?"

"Have you ever done something like this before?" He asked in disbelief at the shift in her mood. She turned her head without answering.

"Are you sure you want me to stop?" He asked as he leaned down to her neck, where he kissed the skin and nibbled it.

Angel said nothing.

Cole slid his hands up her arms before grabbing both of her wrists. He hauled them up above her head as he adjusted himself to enjoy the view of one nipple as he sucked the right one until she was moaning and willing to lay back on the bed. The small chocolate gumdrop stood to greet him as Cole flicked the nipple with his tongue. His lips locked down sucking as if he hoped chocolate milk would come out. Angel's response was all the permission he needed.

"Oh my gawd," she whispered out loud.

Angel told herself to resist his tactics, but she desperately wanted it. She wanted him, but not like this. Her attempt to get away from him was quickly neutralized as his lips, mouth, and tongue took her by surprise. It wasn't long before every muscle in her body cried out to her to submit to his will. When she allowed the groan to vibrate from deep in her core, it was over. She sucked her breath in and braced herself against the monster trying to gain access to her most hidden place. Cole waited until she reached out to cling to his frame, urging him to give her his all.

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