12 Ξ Yours-Mine-Ours (BWWM)

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How could she have imagined that he would touch the inside of her soul in such a profound way? 

Because Angel was sure he hated black people, sex with him never really crossed her mind. But somehow, even though she was black and he was tatted from head to toe damn near in white supremacist hate, for the second time in less than six hours, Cole ravaged her so thoroughly she was convinced she had experienced one of the most delicious sex dreams she anyone might ever imagine could be possible. 

The funny part of believing it was a sex dream was the fact that it gave her room to deny the truth. She always had a thing for sexy dominant men. The reality of her life was that once again, she was lost in the way a man took full possession of her flesh rendering her incapable of denying herself the painful pleasure he promised. 

Focusing on the instances when he made her body beg for release, with each moan that escaped her, Angel knew better than to lie to herself by so much as thinking it was only a dream.

"Ummm... yessss," she crooned as ecstasy swallowed her whole once again.

Cole wasted no time and accepted her response as a request for more of his remarkable skills. Their lips found one another in the dark, leaving them lost to the world and breathless. His strength and stamina were more than enough to empower him as he unleashed his inner beast on Angel, and she greedily willed him to do more as she bit down on his arm every time he touched her.

Cole resorted to the worst kind of teasing as he gave her nothing more than the tip only to retreat.

"Oh baby, please. Please, don't do me like that. Don't tease me. Just give me all of it. You know that's what you want," she hissed.

"Are you sure it's what I want, or is that what you want?"

"I believe it's a bit of both," Angel purred.

Cole was more than happy to oblige her as his fullness pressed forward, banging into her walls with one forceful stroke. He hit her spot, repeatedly encouraging her to plead for mercy. Never had it slipped his mind that even though she begged for leniency, her pussy clamped down on him tightly. No matter how hard he fucked her or how far he stretched her, every dive yielded an empowering effect as she insisted he give her more. Taking her as if she owed him a debt, he pummeled her tight little twat until she paid that debt in full.

"Uhmmm. Whose pussy is this?" He demanded.

"Yours," she replied barely above a whisper.

"I said... whose pussy is this?" Cole ground out as he focused on his need to fill her repeatedly.

"It's yours, baby. mmm, mmm, mmm. It's all yours," she moaned as he continued his lesson showing her how much he enjoyed the sounds she made as he forced every inch of himself deep inside.

Angel held on as long as she could until Cole had her shaking in fits. 

The series of orgasms was abnormal. 

They rolled from one to another. 

Cole wasn't satisfied until she could no longer scream because she was too weak. In the end, Angel held onto him clinging to his body for the comfort and strength she had found in his arms.


Determined to slip away into quiet obscurity for the past five years, she hadn't wanted anything from the world... that included sex. 

The last time she gave herself to someone, the end of the relationship nearly destroyed her.

Living a celibate life suited her since she found comfort away from men. 

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