Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Natalie's POV:

After two tubs of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, two movies, and a very long conversation about a certain someone with those perfect green eyes, I leaned my head against the back of the couch and closed my eyes.

"Oh my gosh. I know what we should do!" Sammie yelled excitedly, bouncing in her seat on the couch next to me.

"What?" I asked. Anything to get my mind off of things. I just didn't feel like going home. Seth has been very clingy lately. Every little bit he would text me asking when I'd be home. I finally just stopped answering his texts. I thought I already told him I was staying with Sammie tonight...

"Stop thinking so hard!" Sammie complained with a pout on her face. "I know how to get your mind off of things! Let's go clubbing!"

I thought about that idea for a second. It's a good idea. I mean, I don't have to get drunk, but I wanted to go out.

"Okay," I replied, "but I'm wearing some of your clothes because I don't feel like going home and being interrogated by Seth."

"He doesn't freaking own you," Sammie mumbled under her breath, probably thinking I didn't hear her.

"I know," I snapped back.

She put her hands up in surrender, "I'm just saying! You act like you can't do anything without him. You can do whatever the hell you want. He isn't your freaking dad."

"Can we please not talk about this right now? I need a drink," I sighed, forgetting that I told myself I wasn't going to get drunk.

"Let's do this!" Sammie said excitedly as she grabbed my arm and pulled me into her room.


By 9:45-ish, I had on a tight fitting black dress that showed off my curves. It came to my mid-thigh and had only one sleeve. It looked perfect on me even though it was for Sammie. I put on some black pumps that made my legs look even longer and began applying make-up. I finished with my smokey eye make-up and put on red lipstick. As I began straightening my hair, Sammie came out of her bathroom looking flawless. She had on tight fitting, leather pants matched with a flowing purple top and a black blazer rolled up to her elbows. She had on strapped black heels and her make-up was light, but perfect. She had her signature bob in natural waves resting on her shoulders.

"Hot daaayum," I smirk as she walked up to me, taking the straightener out of my hands and doing the back of my hair.

She laughed, "You shouldn't be talking, sexy. Just make sure you don't go home with anyone tonight."

"Sammie!" I laughed, pushing her playfully.

"Only kidding! Done!" she smiled at her work and unplugged the hair straightener.

"We better get going," I replied as I grabbed her red clutch and put my phone and lipstick in it. "I don't wanna come home too late."

"Don't start being a party pooper before the party has even started!" she groaned, grabbing her sequined clutch and doing the same as me. "We're going to have fun, remember?"

Sammie was quite the party girl. She could drink and party all night if I let her, which I didn't. I was the sensible one of the pair, although I did know how to have a great time at the same time. As I always say, I don't need to be drunk to have fun!

"I know, I know," I sighed. "Let's just go, okay?"

"Alright. Am I driving, or you?"

"You do it. I think I am gonna have some fun tonight..." I trailed off. I honestly just wanted to get my mind off of everything, and if getting drunk is the way to do it, I'll do it.

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