Chapter 25

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A/N: Sorry if this story sucks but i really like writing it so


Chapter 25

Harry's POV:

The next day, I was with Natalie constantly. The boys had seen our little exchange the night before and had aplauded me for owning up to my feelings, finally. Of course they teased, but only when Natalie wasn't around. I can't exactly call Natalie my girlfriend yet, we hadn't discussed it, but I did sneak kisses every now and then when nobody was looking. Boy, did I like it.

We were currently in our dressing room at the venue. The boys and I were lounging around, minus Niall, who was teaching Natalie how to ride a segway around the hallways. I'm so happy all the boys like her and vice versa. I wouldn't be able to live if I knew that the boys didn't approve of her.

After a few minutes, I felt the sofa dip, making my gaze shift from my phone to the gorgeous girl sitting next to me.

"How were the segways?" I asked, sliding my phone into my pocket.

"Just know that if Niall tells you he won our race, he's lying." She slid closer to me, and I threw my arm over her shoulder. It was a casual gesture, yet it felt so special.

"I'll keep that in mind," I chuckled.

"Boys, you're on in two!"

The boys and I got up and made our way towards the stage to get our mics, my arm still slung around Natalie.

"Are you excited?" I asked her, glancing down.

"Ecstatic. I need to see what all the fuss is about!"

"Well, I promise I won't disappoint."

"Guys! One minute!"

"That's my cue," I sighed, wanting to stay with Natalie.

"Mine too," she said flirtatiously, making me grin. She stood on her tip toes and pecked me on the cheek.

"I better not keep that arena of girls waiting." I joked with my hands fiddling with my mic.

She ran a hand through her said and smiled widely. "Well, don't let me stop you. I'll be watching from back here." She spoke loudly, over the sounds of screaming teenage girls.

I sighed and put my earplugs in, pecking her on the cheek once more before running out on the stage with my best friends.


Natalie's POV:

They looked so happy on stage, every single one of them. This was not like any other concert I had ever been to. Saying that the boys were crazy would be an understatement. It was amazing to me how hard they worked to please their fans... Even if it meant having a water fight on stage in the middle of Best Song Ever just to give the fans a good laugh.

Eventually, the song ended and cheers erupted, signaling that the show was over.

"Woooo!" I cheered and clapped as the boys ran backstage.

"How'd you like it?!" Harry asked expectantly and out of breath.

"Eh, it was okay I guess..."

Harry laughed, knowing that I was joking. "You loved it, didn't you?"

"You were in it weren't you?"


"Then of course I loved it." Harry grinned.

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