Chapter 9

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A/N: Sorry for not updating. I'm just not feelin' it. :/

I have A Team stuck in my head. ALL THE TIME.


P.S. I love the amazayn people who read this! <3


Chapter 9

Natalie's POV:

So, I haven't talked to Harry since the 'date'. I don't even know what to call it. It felt like a date, and it probably looked like one... But it wasn't, I guess I have to get that through my head. 

"You ready to go, babe?" my mom asked me as she grabbed one of my last bags off the floor. I told her she didn't have to come all the way to London to help me move, but she insisted. She also insisted that she decorate Sammie and I's new flat, but I didn't mind. She was my mom and I loved her. Not to mention the fact that she did a brilliant job at decorating. She had gotten everything brand new and demanded that her and my father pay for it. They already do so much for me, I felt bad agreeing. I knew that even if I didn't they would find a way to do it, still. They also treat Sammie like a daughter, which I was extremely thankful for. Gosh, I love my parents so much. I'm also thankful because not many people can say that.

"Yeah I'm ready. I'm so not going to miss this place," I told her as I grabbed my other bag. She laughed and led me through the door.

 "I told you before, you should have let me pick your apartment when you first moved in with..." she trailed off, looking at me as she realized what she was about to say. I had told her about everything with Seth, but I have yet to mention Harry.

I sighed.

"Mom, you can say his name. It doesn't matter anymore anyways. I'm getting a fresh start with my best friend," I reminded her. It truly did feel like a fresh start. A new apartment, no boyfriend, living with my best friend. I think it was the perfect way to forget about my ex-boyfriend. 

"I know, I know. I just don't know how you're going to cope with it. You spent two years of your life together, one of them living in the same apartment!"

"Mom, I broke up with my boyfriend. It's not a big deal. I've had other ex-boyfriends you know," I reminded her again. I threw my bag in the back of my car and got into the drivers seat as my mom did the same, getting into the passenger side. 

"I know, it's just that--" I cut her off before she could continue.

"Mom. Stop, please?" I didn't want to hear about Seth anymore. He really hurt me when he said those things, and I don't think I can forgive him. I can't even think about him anymore, I don't WANT to think about him anymore.

"Yeah, sorry, Honey. But if you wanna talk about it, I'm here for you," 

"Thanks," I replied.

We drove in silence for a bit until we reached the complex that our new flat was in. I saw Sammie's car already here, along with her friend Tyler's truck which we had put boxes of our remaining things in. It was empty except for two more boxes, which I assumed were mine. 

"I'll take your bags up before my car arrives. I've got a long ride ahead of me," my mom told me as she got out of my car and grabbing the two bags from the back. She was headed back to Wales today, which I wasn't too happy about. I had missed her so much!

"Alright, I'll just take these boxes up then," I pointed to Tyler's truck and she nodded, walking up to the complex.

I walked to the back of the truck and put the two boxes on top of eachother. They weren't too heavy, but holding the two on top of eachother infront of me was tricky. I could barely see where I was going from over the two boxes. I was half way to the front of the building when I considered going back and taking one box at a time. I considered it, but my lazy side took over and I decided that I didn't want to keep going back and forth. I got to the elevator and clicked the button that would take me to the 20th floor. 

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