Chapter 8

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A/N: Gonna update because of coolcatgirlish since she comments and gives me her opinion on things. This is dedicated to YOU! So thank you very much! And if anyone just wants to talk some time, feel free to Kik me! I love to talk, especially if you're a Directioner like muah. Message me and I'll tell you my Kik name :)


Chapter 8

Natalie's POV:

When I got home, it was almost three in the morning. I was knackered. I walked to my bedroom and flicked on the lights and stripped off my clothes. I decided to take a hot shower to get my mind off of things.

I walked into my bathroom with my pajamas and a new pair of underwear and a bra. I was about to turn on the shower when I saw the box of bath fizzies that Sammie had given me for my birthday a while ago.  A nice hot bath wouldn't hurt... I hadn't had a nice relaxing bubble bath in what seemed like forever. 

I turned on the water on the hottest it went, threw a couple of fizzies in it, and slipped of the underwear and bra I was wearing and got into the tub. The burning water felt so nice on my skin.

I sat there for a while before I let my brain take over.

What the hell happened today? I broke up with Seth thinking we were on good terms. Then out of nowhere he's being a complete dick to me. Was he jealous of Harry? But why would he be? He was the one who suggested that we break up in the first place. He also said that he had found interest in another girl... What was his problem? Why was he being so rude to me? I don't know what I'm supposed to do! Seth shouldn't matter anymore, right? I was in love with him for so long, or so I thought. Can people fall out of love? Or had I never truly loved him in the beginning? I groaned as I sat deeper into the hot water.

Then there was Harry. I knew I didn't have a chance with him before, but now I know for sure. During the movie, I had honestly thought he was going to kiss me. Is it bad to say that I really wanted him to? I don't even know him very well. For now, that is. When he put his arm around me, it felt really good. I wanted to be in him arms again, snuggling up to his (very toned) chest. I don't know what it is about him, but just thinking about him gives me butterflies. It was so unnatural and I had never felt like this before, even with Seth. When he looked in my eyes it was like he was looking into my soul. It was so weird, yet I loved it. He probably thought I was really weird and didn't even want to be there. I bet he wished he had never even made that bet in the first place. If he even did like me, he would have kissed me then, right? When he kissed the top of my head and turned back to the movie, I knew he didn't like me that way. I don't even know if I want him that way. It was probably because I had just broken up with my boyfriend and I was watching a sad movie and needed comforting. Yeah, I thought. It was just that. If I let my self think otherwise, I was just going to be heart broken, which I don't need. He doesn't like me like that. He doesn't want to kiss me. After that, I don't think the tears I cried were from the movie.

I needed to be truthful to myself though. Who am I kidding? I like him like that and I did want him to be mine. I can't though. It'll just make things really weird since he doesn't like me in that way. 

God, I felt like a kid. What kind of 19 year old thinks about crushes like this? I needed to grow up a little.

I opened my eyes a bit to look at the clock on my phone. The water was cold now, I had been sitting here for an hour. I was suddenly glad I didn't have work tomorrow. I would have never been able to wake that early. I also saw that I had one new text message.

I reluctantly got out of the bath tub before I could get anymore wrinkly. I wrapped a towel around my body and put the lid on the toilet down before sitting. I wonder who was texting me so late at night...

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