Chapter 13

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I have nothing to do without this story, okay

Luke's P.O.V:

Bitch. Fucking Ashton. Fuck them all.

"BLUE JEANS, WHITE SHIRT!" I scream to purposely annoy anyone.

"WALKED INTO THE ROOM YOU KNOW YOU MADE MY EYES BURN!" Calum screams from the kitchen.

See, fucking bitch ruined my solo. 

Anyway, I like Calum. I really fucking like him. LIKE, I like him as much as Harry likes Louis. Shit. Wait. No. Harry and Louis are just friends, but I like like Calum. God, I sound like a fucking 14 year old that just took 3 LSD tablets and is continuing to rant over how much her love life sucks, trust me, I feel like it too. Other than the LSD part, of course.

I hear something bang on my window and see Michael's face pop up from the shrubs. 

"Holy fucking hell." I mutter to myself, opening my window.

"Yo." He says, climbing up into my room. I really need to get a screen for that. I say to myself, accidentally sighing.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask.

"Nothing at the moment. How about you? I am also doing peachy. I just climbed up a 2 story house so I could get into your window. I don't know how much more obvious you want me to be." He says.

"Don't fucking push it." I say.

"Hot damn Luke Hemmings, the fuck crawled up your ass?" He asks.

"NOTHING CRAWLED UP MY FUCKING ASS!!" I scream, continuing. "I am fucking sick of every god damn person in this house. You all make me want to gouge my eyes out with a fork." I say.

"Welllllll. I would pay to see that, just.. not you." He says.

"You're fucking disgusting. Go to sleep or some shit, tell everyone else to go to sleep too. We have sound check at 7 in the morning." I say, holding my head.

"Who?" He asks.

"ImmortalHD. Who the fuck do you think?" I yell, motioning him towards my room door.

"Bitch." He says before walking out of my room slamming the door.

I hear a knock on my door and automatically sigh.

"Michael. I sa-" I try to say.

"It's Calum. Let me the fuck in." He says, sounding pissed off.

"What?" I ask, opening my door.

"Some girl is here for you." He says.

"Don't let her in. I don't know who it is." I say.

"You're a really bad liar." He says.

"I'm serious." I say.

"Really? Are you gay?" He asks.

"No." I say.

"You just came out to me." He says.

"Dude.. What?" I ask.

436 words I am really bored and I have been drawing in my zine all day instead of doing anything else, so I decided to start up this story again. Meh.

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