Act 1

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Pushing the trolley  currently searching for a gift for my little boy as he is turning 12 tomorrow. I am planning a surprise party for his birthday.we'll surprise him after school. He's name is Mike and the son I have. I also have a daughter who is already 18 . Although I have a small family I love them, I'd do anything for them .I thank and appreciate my husband for giving me a chance to experience such joy - my children.

As I passed through the sport  I saw a hockey stick . This will be the perfect for him. I look at my watch and it's already 20:00. I must rush to the till now so that I can leave and go sleep.

I stand at the till and the lady there scanns all my items. I brought the hockey stick for my son, an iPhone cover for my daughter and chips because of my intense obsession  for chips.

Existing the store I shivered, I mean this is a cold country but I'm  used to it,

I stride smoothly with a walking tune. My son is gonna love this hockey stick I just know it.
My phone rings and I answer it with a smile, because it was my husband.

"My love, how are you?"

"I'm great love and you?"

"I'm great. So I got the present for Mike, and I'm sure his gonna love it."

"I'm glad, I also got one too."

I smile widely. "Just make sure that your present doesn't overshadow my gift right."

Jose laughs over the phone. "Don't worry about that my love, as long as it comes from the heart."

As I walk I realize that there is a man following me at the back. But I am not quite sure about that so I continue to walk and talk over the phone.
"Yes but he's too young to understand."
After 1 minute the man dressed in black clothes is still following me. I couldn't even pay attention anymore to what my husband Jose was saying, I start to worry all of a sudden, I start walking a bit faster and I realize the pace of the man following me also increases." My love, I think I'm being followed."

"I'm not falling for one of your pranks again"

I know that I prank Jose a lot but this time I was completely certain that man is following me. "Jose come on, I'm not kidding. There is a man who has been walking the same direction as me for about 3 minutes now."

"Quite joking please."

I look back and the man is being really creepy, I start to run as fast as I could because now I know that he is following me. The man also runs as well. Then I sprint and run as fast as I could to my car but he catch up with me and I fall. I drop my phone and Jose is busy calling my name on and on, as I try to reach it the man holds my head.

"Jose, help me I'm being...."

The man covers my mouth and I can't say anything.

He strangled my neck and  as he tightens his hold on my neck I  take the hockey stick and hit him with it. I stand up and continue to hit him with the hockey stick until he is completely weak.

I check if he couldn't move a muscle. Then I take my things back and open my car  and got inside and place the hockey stick on the passenger seat.
As I am about to start the car someone  from the back seat. I can't breathe properly and I try to fight back as hard as possible but I just couldn't. In the end I fainted .


I open my eyes slowly and I see a large room full of beds, all of the beds were single beds and there is nobody in the room. I get up from the bed I was in and try to stand up but I couldn't go far, I turn my back and only to find out that I am locked up with a chain.

I try to pull the chain to escape but I know deep down its impossible. So I scream as loud as I can.

"help me I'm trapped!" I continue to scream but nobody answers.

I scream continuously until someone decides to come in. It is a young women, with black hair and wearing dark leather clothing. She walks slowly and as she comes closer and closer to me.

I am not scared of her so I stand still and watch her come closer.

"Who are you and why am I here?!" I ask her.

She stays quiet for a while. "You must be Jane right?"

It is surprising that she knows my name and I don't know how. "Yes but how do you know me and why am I here trapped?"

"young lady, some things in life you'll never understand. I have to leave now, behave."

She is leaving already, "hey please don't leave. Let me go!"

She shuts the door and I continue to make a noise.
"Let me go, I don't belong here!"

She got tired of me shouting because I'm making so much noise and she comes in the room again with a man I don't know, the man has a injection on his hand. I stand still and I Realise that the injection is meant for me.

He comes closer and holds my leg so tightly till I was in pain, I try to fight back but he injected me already and they both went out of the room. I scream in pain till the drug they gave me made me sleep.


I open my eye lid, and I still find myself in the same large room with many single beds,but this time the only difference was that there were other girls there.

As I get up I look around and there is about 15 other hair came to me, she has a scare on her face going from her eye to her eyebrow. "Listen here you idiot, you aren't going anywhere. Can't you see we are all trapped in here."

She is very rude and I am not scared of her. "Do you have any idea who you talking to?"

She smiles sarcastically. "Oh, let me guess. Are you Cinderella waiting for your prince to come and save you?"

All of the other girls laughs. I roll my eyes, "Tell me what am I doing here. What have I done to be here."

"This is a prostitution camp Cinderella!" She shouts at me as if I'm stupid.

I widen my eyes. "What, but I am not a prostitute. I have 2 kids and a husband!"

The woman smiles sarcastically again. "Ncoah, that's very sweet but Cinderella none of us wanted to be prostitutes. We were all forced."

I drop my mouth, "That's against the law, my husband will look for me and he will find me. He is a very rich and powerful man and he loves me with all his heart. He will do anything he can to find me!"

The woman rolls her eyes at me. "You are way dump than I thought. I give up." She stands up and throws herself in the bed.
Then the other girls start talking.

I lie down again, tears starts to rain upon my eyes, this is my son's birthday and I can't believe I am not there to celebrate it with him. But I have high hopes that Jose will look for me and he is going to find me. These cruel people from this place will get arrested and everything will be back to normal. I hold the pillow and begin to cry till I will fall asleep


Someone slaps me from my sleep and I quickly open my eyes in defense. I Realise its that horrible woman who drugged me. This time she came with 2 men. The men unlocks the chain and they hold eon my arm very tight so that I can't escape. "Where are you taking me?"
They drag me to a place I didn't know I'll be going.

We enter in an office and they chain me again on a chair. Then they left me alone with that woman.
"What do you want from me? What did I do to be Kipnapped?"

She smiles. "Well you should ask the owner that."

"I can't believe you, how can you watch another woman to be treated badly. You are a woman and you're supposed to understand." I start to develop tears. "Ther is many ways of raising money and this is not the best one. I can GIVE you money just let me out of this place!"

"My name is Brenda and you'll be seeing more of me in this place, and I'd like you to see someone."

Brenda opens the door from the back and bulge a close eye to see who is entering.

Its Jose, it's my husband....

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