A Perfect Day-Starter

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Normani enter her loft relieving a weary sigh. Shutting the door with her foot, she carelessly threw her keys onto the island before going over to lock the door. Pressing her body against the door, she crane her neck ever which way; releasing stressful cracks.

Right when she was about to casually fall asleep against the door, her eardrums cleared up enough to hear the shower cut on from the bathroom. The ebony girl took in her bottom lip, fixing up a simple plan while traveling her way to the back.

Walking over to the middle, she rushed off all her clothing causing her to become clumsy while doing so. Creeping her way to the bathroom door, she heard faint humming over the raining shower.

Normani ended up entering the bathroom without you noticing, and slipped her way through the curtains easily. It kind of weird that you didn't hear her. When you was back at home in your teenage years, you could hear something from the kitchen while you'll be in the shower, thinking someone might be coming to murder you.

This time, you was procrastinating–something that you on the daily basis. And the things you were thinking about was Normani. Everything about Normani was buried in your skull, every moment that you guys shared was wondering wild.

Normani, steadying her balance; she regularly slither her arms around your waist. In the midst of, your heart thump out of your chest as you whipped around: ready to slap a bitch.

"Woah, woah, woah," she snorted hysterically, her shoulders vibrated as Normani stomach was internally caving in from laughing too hard, "I'm...I'm sorry babygirl, I–" her laugh interrupted her, and her head fell back; her laugh becoming obnoxious.

"Fuck you," You gritted a bit distraught along with your anxiety blasting through the roof. You snatch her arms from around you, and turned around attempting to tune out her unattainable fits of giggles.

"Aww, I'm really sorry, baby–I was just trying to surprise my baby...thats all," she says, laying her head on your wet shoulder blade, linking her arms around your waist, "Forgive me?"

You rolled your eyes knowing you'd already did the moment she apologized. It safe to say, you're madly in love with this woman.

"...yes," You finally answered, then bit over your bottom lip to keep from smiling like an manic. The brown beauty eyes caught your cheeks fluffing up, and she knew you was trying to fight your smile.

"You can smile, princess," Normani spoke, drawing her body closer behind you, pressing her package against your behind, "You know I can't resist that smile of yours."

The blood rush to your cheeks, you could the fire piercing its way through. If you were in a cartoon, the streams from the burning would be visible.

"Stop," You dragged out, turning your head away from her view, hiding your flushed cheeks. "I need to get out for work," You say reminding yourself unintentionally.

"Fuck yo' job," Normani curses lifting her head from your shoulder. Even though the word job left your mouth, it didn't hit you until Normani mentioned something about it, "Beside you just got in."

"Oh my god," You shriek loudly, "I have to get ready!"

You turned around, facing the love of your life. You shook your head once you felt the heated look from Normani brown eyes. Your eyes took advantage, and flicker down to her lips. It turned into a slanted smirk, making you shake your head viscously.

"Normani, now is not the time," You pursue your voice to sound sternly but it squeak when she appeared three centimeters away from your face, "I–I have to go," You stammered, falling deeper into her brown eyes.

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